Memory in Motion
Eivind Rossaak
Memory in Motion

How do new media affect the question of social memory? Social memory is usually described as enacted through ritual, language, art, architecture, and institutions ? phenomena whose persistence over time and capacity for a shared storage of the past was set in contrast to fleeting individual memory. But the question of how social memory should be understood in an age of digital computing, instant updating, and interconnection in real time, is very much up in the air. The essays in this collection discuss the new technologies of memory from a variety of perspectives that explicitly investigate their impact on the very concept of the social.Contributors: David Berry, Ina Blom, Wolfgang Ernst, Matthew Fuller, Andrew Goffey, Liv Hausken, Yuk Hui, Trond Lundemo, Adrian Mackenzie, Sónia Matos, Richard Mills, Jussi Parikka, Eivind Røssaak, Stuart Sharples, Tiziana Terranova, Pasi Väliaho.

Table of Contents
Rethinking Social Memory: Archives, Technology, and the Social
Ina Blom
Chapter One
‘Electrified Voices’: Non-Human Agencies of Socio‑Cultural Memory
Wolfgang Ernst
Chapter Two
Can Languages be Saved? Linguistic Heritage and the Moving Archive
Sónia Matos
Chapter Three
Big Diff, Granularity, Incoherence, and Production in the Github Software Repository
Matthew Fuller, Andrew Goffey, Adrian Mackenzie, Richard Mills, and Stuart Sharples
Chapter Four
The Post-Archival Constellation: The Archive under the Technical Conditions of Computational Media
David M. Berry
Chapter Five
Planetary Goodbyes: Post-History and Future Memories of an Ecological Past
Jussi Parikka
Chapter Six
Video Water, Video Life, Videosociality
Ina Blom
Chapter Seven
FileLife: Constant, Kurenniemi, and the Question of Living Archives
Eivind Røssaak
Chapter Eight
Mapping the World: Les Archives de la Planète and the Mobilization of Memory
Trond Lundemo
Chapter Nine
Stills from a Film That Was Never Made: Cinema, Gesture, Memory
Pasi Väliaho
Chapter Ten
The Archival Promise of the Biometric Passport
Liv Hausken
Chapter Eleven
A Neomonadology of Social (Memory) Production
Tiziana Terranova
Chapter Twelve
On the Synthesis of Social Memories
Yuk Hui
Name index
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