Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism
Mariano Zukerfeld
Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism proposes a new critical theory concerning the functioning of capitalism and how we consider knowledge and information. This ambitious book systematically and lucidly introduces contemporary phenomena into the framework of cognitive materialism to address some of the great themes of the social sciences: knowledge, exploitation and social class in an account of capitalismâs totality in the present day. Author Mariano Zukerfeld reinvigorates materialist study of communications, presenting a typology of knowledge to explain the underlying material forms of information, intellectual property and cognitive work in contemporary societies. Using current examples the book also examines concerns such as free labour and the pivotal role of intellectual property. The book offers nothing less than an introduction to the theory of cognitive materialism and an account of the entirety of the digital (or knowledge) capitalism of our time.

Chapter 1. Capitalism, Physical Property and Intellectual Property
1.1 The Two Arms of Capitalism...
1.2 ...and the Two Aspects of Goods: Physical Matter and Knowledge Matter
1.3 Physical Matter: A Brief History of ‘Matter’ and Energy
1.4 Towards the Other Entity? Beyond Physical Matter
1.5 From Information to Knowledge Matter
1.6 Knowledge Matter and Why It Matters: Towards a Materialist Perspective of Knowledge
Chapter 2. How to Know Knowledge? Introducing Cognitive Materialism
2.1 Epistemology
2.2 Marxism and the Sociology of Knowledge
2.3 Cognitive Materialism
Chapter 3. The Typology of Knowledge
3.1 Objectified Knowledge
3.2 Biological Knowledge
3.3 Subjective Knowledge
3.4 Intersubjective Knowledge
3.5 Cognitive Material Configuration
3.6 The Cognitive Material Configuration of Merchant, Industrial and Informational Capitalism
Chapter 4. Knowledge Flows: From Translation to Capitalism
4.1 Three Simple Operations: Transduction, Sensory Conversion and Actuating Conversion
4.2 A Complex Operation: Translation
4.3 Attention
4.4 Productive Processes
Chapter 5. Capitalist Exploitation
5.1 Introduction: Regulation, Expropriation and Exploitation
5.2 Regulation
5.3 General Concept of Expropriation and Exploitation: Common Aspects and Divergences
5.4 Capitalist Expropriation
5.5 Commercial and Non-Commercial Exploitation
5.6 Capitalist Exploitation
5.7 Three Types of Capitalist Exploitation
Chapter 6. Classes: A Theory from a Cognitive Materialist Perspective
6.1 Introduction: The Need for a Theory of Social Classes
6.2 The Proposal: Classes from an Abstract Perspective
6.3 From Feudalism to Mercantile Capitalism
6.4 From Mercantile to Industrial Capitalism
6.5 From Industrial to Informational Capitalism
6.6 Classes in Informational Capitalism
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