Dear Parents,
It is the pleasure of the Ministry of Education, Youth & information (MOEYI) to present to you the Summer Learning Kits. These kits are just one type of the many resources developed by the MOEYI to support students in the Summer School Programme to be delivered in July 2021.
The Summer School programme is part of the larger National Intervention Programme geared at identifying and addressing learning losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The SLKs address a number of subjects including Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science but they draw on strategies and even
content from a number of other subjects in the National Standards Curriculum.
The SLIKs are designed to support students in addressing key skills that will equip them to make the seamless transition to the regular learning process and
or special intervention learning activities in September 2021. Undoubtedly, some students may have suffered some degree of learning loss over the past year
due to a number of educational and personal factors. Some may simply have forgotten some concepts previously learnt. Whatever the challenge, these kits
will provide the motivation and support to help get them back on track.