Among the Red-skins; Or, Over the Rocky Mountains
William Henry Giles Kingston
Literature & Fiction
Among the Red-skins; Or, Over the Rocky Mountains
W.H.G. Kingston
"Among the Red-skins"
Chapter One.
An Unexpected Return—Hugh is Absent—No Knowledge of his Whereabouts—Uncle Donald’s Apprehensions—A Hurried Supper, and Preparations for a Search.
An Unexpected Return—Hugh is Absent—No Knowledge of his Whereabouts—Uncle Donald’s Apprehensions—A Hurried Supper, and Preparations for a Search.
Chapter Two.
An Indian Raid.
Scene of the Story—History of Archie and Hugh—A Journey Across the Prairie—A Village Burnt by the Indians—Uncle Donald pursues the Blackfeet—Arrival at the Indian Camp.
An Indian Raid.
Scene of the Story—History of Archie and Hugh—A Journey Across the Prairie—A Village Burnt by the Indians—Uncle Donald pursues the Blackfeet—Arrival at the Indian Camp.
Chapter Three.
With the Red-skins.
Uncle Donald and the Blackfeet—The Chief’s Speech—A Fortunate Recognition—Ponoko gives up a Little Girl to Uncle Donald—Impossible to do any more—Ponoko urges Departure—Rose is Adopted by Uncle Donald—Hugh McLellan—Madge—Story of a Brave Indian Mother—Red Squirrel—The Household at Clearwater.
With the Red-skins.
Uncle Donald and the Blackfeet—The Chief’s Speech—A Fortunate Recognition—Ponoko gives up a Little Girl to Uncle Donald—Impossible to do any more—Ponoko urges Departure—Rose is Adopted by Uncle Donald—Hugh McLellan—Madge—Story of a Brave Indian Mother—Red Squirrel—The Household at Clearwater.
Chapter Four.
Three Grizzlies.
The Start after Hugh—A Foot-print—Following the Trail—Archer meets a Grizzly—A Miss-fire—Discretion the Better Part of Valour—Far more Bears—Help, and a Joint Attack—Hugh up in a Tree—The Result of Disobedience.
Three Grizzlies.
The Start after Hugh—A Foot-print—Following the Trail—Archer meets a Grizzly—A Miss-fire—Discretion the Better Part of Valour—Far more Bears—Help, and a Joint Attack—Hugh up in a Tree—The Result of Disobedience.
Chapter Five.
An Expedition.
Waiting for the Messengers—Two Tired Indians—Bad News of Archie’s Father—Uncle Donald Determines to Cross the Rocky Mountains—Preparations—News of the Blackfeet—Indian Canoes—The Expedition Starts.
An Expedition.
Waiting for the Messengers—Two Tired Indians—Bad News of Archie’s Father—Uncle Donald Determines to Cross the Rocky Mountains—Preparations—News of the Blackfeet—Indian Canoes—The Expedition Starts.
Chapter Six.
Paddling up Stream.
The First Camp—Rapids—A Portage—Indians Attack the Canoes—A Race for Life—He’s Won just in Time—More Rapids in an Awkward Place—The Canoes Poled up Stream—An Upset—The Indians Again, and Hugh in Danger—Other Canoes to the Rescue.
Paddling up Stream.
The First Camp—Rapids—A Portage—Indians Attack the Canoes—A Race for Life—He’s Won just in Time—More Rapids in an Awkward Place—The Canoes Poled up Stream—An Upset—The Indians Again, and Hugh in Danger—Other Canoes to the Rescue.
Chapter Seven.
A Narrow Escape.
Hugh’s Canoe Arrested by Red Squirrel just in Time—The Canoe Saved—All got up the Rapids at Last—Camp at the Top—The Blackfeet reach the Camp to find the Party gone—The Indians Pursue, and Uncle Donald lies by for Two Days on an Island—End of the Water Passage—The Horses do not Appear.
A Narrow Escape.
Hugh’s Canoe Arrested by Red Squirrel just in Time—The Canoe Saved—All got up the Rapids at Last—Camp at the Top—The Blackfeet reach the Camp to find the Party gone—The Indians Pursue, and Uncle Donald lies by for Two Days on an Island—End of the Water Passage—The Horses do not Appear.
Chapter Eight.
Among the Mountains.
The Horse Party arrives at last, but with half the Horses Stolen—The Start Across the Mountains—More Blackfeet in the way oblige the Party to take a Strange Pass—It becomes Colder—Snow comes on—A Pack of Wolves—Sleighs and Snow-Shoes—In the Heart of the “Rockies”—Corney has a Narrow Escape and a Cold Bath—Snow in the Canoes—Difficulties of the Way—The Pass at Last—A fearful Avalanche.
Among the Mountains.
The Horse Party arrives at last, but with half the Horses Stolen—The Start Across the Mountains—More Blackfeet in the way oblige the Party to take a Strange Pass—It becomes Colder—Snow comes on—A Pack of Wolves—Sleighs and Snow-Shoes—In the Heart of the “Rockies”—Corney has a Narrow Escape and a Cold Bath—Snow in the Canoes—Difficulties of the Way—The Pass at Last—A fearful Avalanche.
Chapter Nine.
Lost in the Snow.
The dividing Ridge—A Mishap—More difficulty with the Snow—The Provisions run short—The Dogs begin to Succumb—Hugh, Archie, and Red Squirrel are Lost in a Snow-storm—Done up, and no Shelter.
Lost in the Snow.
The dividing Ridge—A Mishap—More difficulty with the Snow—The Provisions run short—The Dogs begin to Succumb—Hugh, Archie, and Red Squirrel are Lost in a Snow-storm—Done up, and no Shelter.
Chapter Ten.
Snowed Up.
Red Squirrel and Archie Dig a Hole in the Snow—The Snow Shelter—Sleep—No Food, and Buried in Snow—Efforts to Dig Out—Some Animal Scratches at the Hole—Last Efforts at Defence.
Snowed Up.
Red Squirrel and Archie Dig a Hole in the Snow—The Snow Shelter—Sleep—No Food, and Buried in Snow—Efforts to Dig Out—Some Animal Scratches at the Hole—Last Efforts at Defence.
Chapter Eleven.
The Animal Proves to be One of the Dogs—Who goes off for Rescue—Help Comes at Last—How the Dog had found the Party—Effects of the Adventure—The Party reach the Block-house at last, to find Archie’s Family all Safe and welcome Rest.
The Animal Proves to be One of the Dogs—Who goes off for Rescue—Help Comes at Last—How the Dog had found the Party—Effects of the Adventure—The Party reach the Block-house at last, to find Archie’s Family all Safe and welcome Rest.
Chapter Twelve.
On the Alert.
At the Station—After Buffalo—Return of Red Squirrel from a Scout with News of the Blackfeet—A Party Return—A Party sent out to bring back the Hunters to the Fort—A Strange Fire—Red Squirrel goes off again on the Scout.
On the Alert.
At the Station—After Buffalo—Return of Red Squirrel from a Scout with News of the Blackfeet—A Party Return—A Party sent out to bring back the Hunters to the Fort—A Strange Fire—Red Squirrel goes off again on the Scout.
Chapter Thirteen.
Attacked by the Red-skins.
Prolonged Absence of Red Squirrel—Flight—The Strangers prove to be Friends—Return to the Fort—Uncle Donald opposes the Doctrine of Non-Resistance—The Guard over the Fort—The Indians attack the Fort.
Attacked by the Red-skins.
Prolonged Absence of Red Squirrel—Flight—The Strangers prove to be Friends—Return to the Fort—Uncle Donald opposes the Doctrine of Non-Resistance—The Guard over the Fort—The Indians attack the Fort.
Chapter Fourteen.
An Old Friend.
The Blackfeet meet a Warm Reception—and Retreat—A Wounded Indian—Proves to be Ponoko, who tells of a White Man in the Indian Camp—A Friendly Conference.
An Old Friend.
The Blackfeet meet a Warm Reception—and Retreat—A Wounded Indian—Proves to be Ponoko, who tells of a White Man in the Indian Camp—A Friendly Conference.
Chapter Fifteen.
A Happy Ending.
Ponoko recovers—Time passes without further Attack—and Meat has to be Procured—Red Squirrel again sent on Scout—Returns pursued by Six Blackfeet—Timely Rescue—Poor Red Squirrel is quite Exhausted—The Blackfeet Return in large Numbers—Ponoko goes out to Meet them—Effect of his Appearance on the Tribe—He returns with a White Man—Rose finds a father—and both find a Wife and Mother—All Ends happily at Last.
The End.
A Happy Ending.
Ponoko recovers—Time passes without further Attack—and Meat has to be Procured—Red Squirrel again sent on Scout—Returns pursued by Six Blackfeet—Timely Rescue—Poor Red Squirrel is quite Exhausted—The Blackfeet Return in large Numbers—Ponoko goes out to Meet them—Effect of his Appearance on the Tribe—He returns with a White Man—Rose finds a father—and both find a Wife and Mother—All Ends happily at Last.
The End.
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