The University of the West Indies Press
Aimé Césaire
Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
Biographies & Memoirs
Aimé Césaire
US$ 9.99
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This brief biography looks at one of the most influential writers from the francophone Caribbean. Aimé Césaire was a poet, playwright and politician, who, along with Léon-Gontran Damas from French Guiana and Léopold Senghor of Senegal, founded the Negritude movement in the 1930s. The men had come together as young black students in Paris at a time when the French capital had become the locus of ideas on black identity and pan-Africanism. The Negritude movement called for a cultural awakening of African heritage, a rejection of Western ideology that inherently saw blacks as inferior to whites, and a reclamation of what it meant to be black. Césaire’s first major and most famous poetic work, Cahier d’un retour au pays natal (Notebook of a Return to My Native Land), explored the contours of this African heritage and his complex identity as a black man born under French rule on the Caribbean island of Martinique. Throughout his long political career, which lasted for most of his life, Césaire fought not only for his own people but for those who had been wronged by vestiges of colonial regimes. This book is an exploration of Césaire’s life in his never-ending decolonizing battle.

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