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Progress and Poverty
Henry George
Progress and Poverty

An explanation on why increased productivity has not led to increased wages, and how the application of a single land value tax can fix this and lead to a more just society.

Preface to the Fourth Edition
Progress and Poverty
The Problem
Book I: Wages and Capital
I: The Current Doctrine of Wages—Its Insufficiency
II: The Meaning of the Terms
III: Wages Not Drawn from Capital, but Produced by the Labor
IV: The Maintenance of Laborers Not Drawn from Capital
V: The Real Functions of Capital
Book II: Population and Subsistence
I: The Malthusian Theory, Its Genesis and Support
II: Inferences from Facts
III: Inferences from Analogy
IV: Disproof of the Malthusian Theory
Book III: The Laws of Distribution
I: The Inquiry Narrowed to the Laws of Distribution—The Necessary Relation of These Laws
II: Rent and the Law of Rent
III: Of Interest and the Cause of Interest
IV: Of Spurious Capital and of Profits Often Mistaken for Interest
V: The Law of Interest
VI: Wages and the Law of Wages
VII: The Correlation and Coordination of These Laws
VIII: The Statics of the Problem Thus Explained
Book IV: Effect of Material Progress Upon the Distribution of Wealth
I: The Dynamics of the Problem Yet to Seek
II: The Effect of Increase of Population Upon the Distribution of Wealth
III: The Effect of Improvements in the Arts Upon the Distribution of Wealth
IV: Effect of the Expectation Raised by Material Progress
Book V: The Problem Solved
I: The Primary Cause of Recurring Paroxysms of Industrial Depression
II: The Persistence of Poverty Amid Advancing Wealth
Book VI: The Remedy
I: Insufficiency of Remedies Currently Advocated
I: From Greater Economy in Government
II: From the Diffusion of Education and Improved Habits of Industry and Thrift
III: From Combinations of Workmen
IV: From Cooperation
V: From Governmental Direction and Interference
VI: From a More General Distribution of Land
II: The True Remedy
Book VII: Justice of the Remedy
I: The Injustice of Private Property in Land
II: The Enslavement of Laborers the Ultimate Result of Private Property in Land
III: Claim of Land Owners to Compensation
IV: Private Property in Land Historically Considered
V: Of Property in Land in the United States
Book VIII: Application of the Remedy
I: Private Property in Land Inconsistent with the Best Use of Land
II: How Equal Rights to the Land May Be Asserted and Secured
III: The Proposition Tried by the Canons of Taxation
I: The Effect of Taxes Upon Production
II: As to Ease and Cheapness of Collection
III: As to Certainty
IV: As to Equality
IV: Endorsements and Objections
Book IX: Effects of the Remedy
I: Of the Effect Upon the Production of Wealth
II: Of the Effect Upon Distribution and Thence Upon Production
III: Of the Effect Upon Individuals and Classes
IV: Of the Changes That Would Be Wrought in Social Organization and Social Life
Book X: The Law of Human Progress
I: The Current Theory of Human Progress—Its Insufficiency
II: Differences in Civilization—To What Due
III: The Law of Human Progress
IV: How Modern Civilization May Decline
V: The Central Truth
The Problem of Individual Life
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