Far from the Madding Crowd
Far from the Madding Crowd
I: Description of Farmer Oak; An Incident
II: Night; The Flock; An Interior; Another Interior
III: A Girl on Horseback; Conversation
IV: Gabriel’s Resolve; The Visit; The Mistake
V: Departure of Bathsheba; A Pastoral Tragedy
VI: The Fair; The Journey; The Fire
VII: Recognition; A Timid Girl
VIII: The Malthouse; The Chat; News
IX: The Homestead; A Visitor; Half-Confidences
X: Mistress and Men
XI: Outside the Barracks; Snow; A Meeting
XII: Farmers; A Rule; An Exception
XIII: Sortes Sanctorum; The Valentine
XIV: Effect of the Letter; Sunrise
XV: A Morning Meeting; The Letter Again
XVI: All Saints’ and All Souls’
XVII: In the Market-Place
XVIII: Boldwood in Meditation; Regret
XIX: The Sheep-Washing; The Offer
XX: Perplexity; Grinding the Shears; A Quarrel
XXI: Troubles in the Fold; A Message
XXII: The Great Barn and the Sheep-Shearers
XXIII: Eventide; A Second Declaration
XXIV: The Same Night; The Fir Plantation
XXV: The New Acquaintance Described
XXVI: Scene on the Verge of the Hay-Mead
XXVII: Hiving the Bees
XXVIII: The Hollow Amid the Ferns
XXIX: Particulars of a Twilight Walk
XXX: Hot Cheeks and Tearful Eyes
XXXI: Blame; Fury
XXXII: Night; Horses Tramping
XXXIII: In the Sun; A Harbinger
XXXIV: Home Again; A Trickster
XXXV: At an Upper Window
XXXVI: Wealth in Jeopardy; The Revel
XXXVII: The Storm; The Two Together
XXXVIII: Rain; One Solitary Meets Another
XXXIX: Coming Home; A Cry
XL: On Casterbridge Highway
XLI: Suspicion; Fanny Is Sent For
XLII: Joseph and His Burden; Buck’s Head
XLIII: Fanny’s Revenge
XLIV: Under a Tree; Reaction
XLV: Troy’s Romanticism
XLVI: The Gurgoyle: Its Doings
XLVII: Adventures by the Shore
XLVIII: Doubts Arise; Doubts Linger
XLIX: Oak’s Advancement; A Great Hope
L: The Sheep Fair; Troy Touches His Wife’s Hand
LI: Bathsheba Talks with Her Outrider
LII: Converging Courses
LIII: Concurritur; Horae Momento
LIV: After the Shock
LV: The March Following; “Bathsheba Boldwood”
LVI: Beauty in Loneliness; After All
LVII: A Foggy Night and Morning; Conclusion
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