Hodder Education
Science PEP Revision Workbook Grade 4
Judith Amery
Science PEP Revision Workbook Grade 4
US$ 10.50
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Enhance learners' confidence as they prepare for PEP Performance Tasks and Curriculum Based Test with a science workbook series crafted around NSC learner outcomes and designed to support both teacher led instruction and independent learning.
- Encourage the development of problem solving skills with the application of science process to everyday problems
- Increase critical thinking capacity through analysis and interpretation of data
- Ensure engagement as learners carry out investigations and present evidence to support conclusions
- Reinforce learning and scientific discovery with activities focused on process skills and science practices

Book title
Term 1 Unit 1: Exploring our world
Identifying a scientist
How do we find out about our world?
Methods used to gain scientific knowledge
Shaving gel investigation
Fair testing
Performance task
Practice test
Term 1 Unit 2: Living things
What are living things?
Living and non-living
Classifying things as living and non-living
Identifying familiar Jamaican plants and animals
Using data about living and non-living things
Practice test
Basic needs of plants
Plants and water
Plants and nutrients
Basic needs of animals
Performance task
Practice test
Term 2 Unit 1: Plants and animals
Plants and animals in Jamaica
Basic structures of plants and animals
Comparing a grass plant and a shrub
Comparing animals in different habitats
Plants and their roots
How a plant grows
Vertebrates and invertebrates
Performance task
Practice test
Term 2 Unit 2: Sense organs
Why sense organs are important
How the sense organs work together
Animals and their sense organs
The eyes
The ears
The sense of smell
The sense of taste
The sense of touch
Technology to improve the use of our senses
Protecting our sense organs
Looking after our eyes and ears
Quick quiz
Performance task
Practice test
Term 3 Unit 1: Materials
Properties of everyday materials
Natural or man-made?
Properties and uses of materials
Which is the most absorbent?
Solids, liquids and gases
Investigating the properties of water
Quick quiz
Performance task
Performance task
Practice test
Term 3 Unit 2: Water and air
Properties of water
More about the properties of water
Water and life
Practice test
The water cycle
Water pollution
How to purify water by filtering
How to purify water by distillation
DIY water purification
Water-borne diseases in Jamaica
Making water safe in Jamaica
Water conservation
Quick quiz
What is in air?
Experiments with air
Does air have mass?
The colour of air and air pressure experiments
Sources of air pollution
Air filters
Air-borne diseases in Jamaica
Air pollution – key facts
Water: Performance task
Air: Performance task
Practice test
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