A Researcher's Guide to Fluid Physics
NASA ISS Program Science Office
Science & Math
A Researcher's Guide to Fluid Physics
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The Lab is Open
Unique Features of the ISS Research Environment
Why Use the ISS as a Laboratory for Fluid Physics?
Results from Past Research on Fluid Physics in Space
Complex Fluids
Liquid Crystals
Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer
Boiling eXperiment Facility
Zero Boil-off Tank Experiment
Packed Bed Reactor Experiment
Constrained Vapor Bubble Experiment
Interfacial Phenomena/Capillary Flow
Opportunities for Research in Fluid Physics on ISS
Complex Fluids
Colloids and Suspensions
Liquid Crystals
Granular Materials
Particulate Management
Magnetorheological Fluids
Polymer Fluids
Multiphase Flow
Zero Boil-off Tank Experiment Series
Adiabatic Gas-Liquid Flow Experiments
Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment
Capillary, Thermocapillary and Solutocapillary Flow Phenomena
Lessons Learned
ISS Facilities for Research of Fluid Physics
Acceleration Measurement and Environment Characterization
Fluids Integrated Rack
Light Microscopy Module
Microgravity Science Glovebox
EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Racks
Developing and Flying Fluid Physics Research to ISS
Funding, Developing and Launching Research to ISS
ISS U.S. National Laboratory
Other Government Agencies
International Funding Sources
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