Oxford University Press
Warrior Monkeys and the Rescue Quest
M C Stevens, Steve Brown
Warrior Monkeys and the Rescue Quest
US$ 8.99
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When their beloved teacher Master Chan is kidnapped, Suki and Bekko are given a secret mission to find him and bring him back! Their journey will be full of dangers - they must sail treacherous seas, deal with pirates, cross frozen wastes. And when they find Chan, what else is waiting for them . . . ?
This is the third title in an exciting and dramatic series, written by martial arts expert MC Stevens and illustrated throughout by Steve Brown. Suki and Bekko are training to be Warrior Monkeys. They're a brave and resourceful duo and, with the help of their armoured bear, Kuma, are ready to face any of the harsh challenges and evil plots that threaten the safety of their island home. Using all the skills they learn in the training hall, Suki and Bekko show the kind of determination, focus, bravery, and spirit that has put them on the path to become true Warrior Monkeys!

Meet The Characters
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Building good habits with the Warrior Monkeys
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