Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris: A Garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up ...
John Parkinson
Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris: A Garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up ...
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, by John Parkinson
Chapter 1: Situation; nature of soyles; amend defects
Chapter 2: The frame or forme of a Garden
Chapter 3: The many sorts of herbes
Chapter 4: Diuers Out-landish flowers
Chapter 5: English flowers
Chapter 6: To plant Out-landish flowers
Chapter 7: Times of flowering of Out-landish flowers
Chapter 8: To encrease Gilloflowers
Chapter 9: That there is no art; double flowers
Chapter 10: Bulbous Violets
{Early bulbous Violets}
{Late bulbous Violets}
Chapter 11: The Hyacinth
{Indian knobbed Iacinth}
{Muske Grape-flower}
{Faire haired Iacinth}
{Orientall Iacinth}
The little Summer Orientall Iacinth
Spanish dunne coloured Iacinth
{Bell-flowered Iacinth}
The Woolly Iacinth
{Spanish starry Iacinth}
{Starry Iacinth}
{Starry Iacinths of Constantinople}
{Summer Starry Iacinths}
The ash coloured Starry Iacinth
{Lilly leafed Starry Iacinths}
{Autumne Starry Iacinths}
{The Sea Onions or Squills}
Chapter 12: Starre of Bethlehem
{Two other Starre-flowers}
Chapter 13: Wilde Garlicke
{The greatest Moly of Homer and the Indian Moly}
Chapter 14: The Asphodill
{Bastard Asphodils}
{Day Lillies}
Chapter 15: Spider-wort
{The soon fading Spider-wort of Virginia}
Chapter 16: Medowe Saffron
Chapter 17: Crocus
{Spring Saffron flowers}
{Autumn Saffron flowers}
Chapter 18: The Spanish Nut
Chapter 19: The bulbous Flowerdeluce
{Two that have no fellows}
{Bulbous Flowerdeluce with broader leaves}
{Bulbous Flowerdeluce with narrow leaves}
Chapter 20: The Flagge
Chapter 21: Corne Flagge
Chapter 22: Bee flowers
Chapter 23: Dogs tooth Violet
Chapter 24: Cyclamen
Chapter 25: Windeflower and his kindes
{Pasque flowers}
{Wilde Windflowers}
{Garden Anemones or Windflowers}
Chapter 26: Wolfebane
Chapter 27: The Crowfoote
Chapter 28: Double Marsh Marigold
Chapter 29: Noble Liuerwort
Chapter 30: Storkes bill
Chapter 31: Spotted Sanicle
Chapter 32: Spotted Nauelwort
Chapter 33: Mountaine Soldanella
Chapter 34: Beares eares
{Beares eares}
Chapter 35: Primroses and Cowslips
Chapter 36: Lungwort, or Cowslips of Ierusalem
Chapter 37:Buglosse and Borage
Chapter 38: Campions
Chapter 39: Wall-flowers, or Wall Gilloflowers
Chapter 40: Stocke-Gilloflower
Chapter 41: Dames Violets
Chapter 42: The Sattin flower
Chapter 43: Wilde Flaxe and Tode Flaxe
Chapter 1: Crowne Imperiall
Chapter 44: Snapdragon
Chapter 45: The Willowe flower
Chapter 46: Colombines
Chapter 2: Persian Lilly
Chapter 47: Spanish Tufts, Or Tufted Columbines
Chapter 48: Hollow roote
Chapter 49: Larkes heeles
Chapter 50: The Female Balsam Apple
Chapter 3: Martagons
Chapter 51: Indian Cresses, or yellow Larkes heeles
Chapter 52: Violets
Chapter 53: Barrenwort
Chapter 54: Garden Poppies
Chapter 55: The Fenell flower, or Nigella
Chapter 56: Double wilde Pelletory
Chapter 57: Double Featherfew
Chapter 58: Camomill
Chapter 59: Pelletory of Spaine
Chapter 60: Red Adonis flower
Chapter 61: Oxe eye
Chapter 62: Corne Marigold
Chapter 63: Marigolds
Chapter 64: Starre-wort
Chapter 65: Golden Mouse-eare
Chapter 66: Vipers grasse
Chapter 67: Goates beard
Chapter 68: The French Marigold
Chapter 4: Red Martagons
Chapter 69: Carnations and Gilloflowers
{Carnations and Gilloflowers}
Chapter 70: Pinkes
Double Pinkes.
Single Pinkes.
Chapter 71: Sweet Iohns, and sweet Williams
Chapter 72: Daisie
Chapter 73: Scabious
Chapter 74: Corne flower, or blew Bottles
Chapter 5: Gold and Red Lillies
Chapter 75: Spanish Sea Knapweede
Chapter 76: Bastard Saffron
Chapter 77: Thistles
Chapter 78: Bastard Dittany
Chapter 79: Pulse
{Lupines or flat Beans}
Chapter 80: Peonie
Chapter 81: Beares foote
Chapter 82: White Ellebor
Chapter 83: Small white Ellebor
Chapter 84: Lilly Conually
Chapter 85: Gentian
Chapter 86: Bell-flowers
Chapter 6: White Lillies
Chapter 87: Blew Bell flowers
Chapter 88: Thorne-Apple.
Chapter 89: Indian Henbane, or Tabacco
Chapter 90: The Meruaile of Peru
Chapter 91: Mallowes
Chapter 7: Fritillaria
Chapter 92: Flower-gentle
Chapter 93: Golden Flower-gentle
Chapter 94: The Indian flowring Reede
Chapter 95: Mandrake
Chapter 96: Loue Apples
Chapter 97: Foxegloue
Chapter 98: Mullein
Chapter 99: Valerian
Chapter 100: Cuckow flowers
Chapter 101: Candy Tufts
Chapter 102: Clamberers, or Creepers
Chapter 103: Dwarfe Spurge Oliue, or Dwarfe Baye
Chapter 103A: The Bay Tree
Chapter 104: Double blossom
Chapter 105 Honysuckles
Chapter 106: Iasmine
Chapter 107: The Pipe tree
Chapter 108: The Elder
Chapter 109: The Rose
Chapter 8: Tulipa
Chapter 111: The Holly Rose
Chapter 112: Rosemary
Chapter 113: The Mirtle tree
Chapter 114: The Pomegranet tree
Chapter 115: Tree Night shade
Chapter 116: The smaller Indian Figge tree
Chapter 117: The supposed Indian Iucca
Chapter 118: The tree of life
Chapter 119: Iudas tree
Chapter 120: Beane Trefoile
Chapter 121: Tree Trefoile
Chapter 122: The Bastard Sena Tree
Chapter 123: Spanish Broome
Chapter 124: Virginian Silke
Chapter 125: Primme
Chapter 126: Coloured Sage and Marierome
{The Place, Time, Names, and Vertues}
Chapter 127: Lauender Spike
Chapter 128: Sticadoue, Cassidony, or French Lauender
Chapter 129: Lauender Cotton
Chapter 130: Bassill
Chapter 131: Sweete Marierome
Chapter 131: Tyme
Chapter 132: Hyssope
Chapter 133: Grasses
Chapter 9: Daffodils
{True Daffodils: Narrow leaved}
{True Daffodils: Rush Daffodils}
{True Daffodils: Sea Daffodils}
{Bastard Daffodils}
{True Daffodils: broad leaues, one or two single flowers vpon a stalke}
{True Daffodils: broad leaues, many single flowers vpon a stalke}
{True Daffodils: Broad leaves, double flowers}
Chapter 1: The situation of a Kitchen Garden
Chapter 2: The forme of a Garden of herbes
Chapter 3: How to order diuers Garden herbes
Chapter 4: How to order Artichokes, Melons, Cowcumbers, and Pompions
Chapter 5: Herbes for the pot, for meate, and for the table
Chapter 6: Sallets
Chapter 7: Herbes to serue for the especiall vses of a familie.
Chapter 1: Winter Marierome
Chapter 2: Tyme
Chapter 3: Sauorie
Chapter 4: Hyssope
Chapter 5: Pennyroyall
Chapter 6: Sage
Chapter 7: Garden Clary
Chapter 8: Nep
Chapter 9: Baulme
Chapter 10: Mintes
Chapter 11: Costmary and Maudeline
Chapter 12: Tansie
Chapter 13: Burnet
Chapter 14: Monkes Rubarbe or Patience
Chapter 15: Blood-wort
Chapter 16: Sorrell
Chapter 17: Langdebeefe
Chapter 18: Arrach
Chapter 19: Blites
Chapter 20: Beetes
Chapter 21: Alisanders
Chapter 22: Sweete Parsley or sweete Smallage
Chapter 23: Parsley and Smalledge
Chapter 24: Fenell
Chapter 25: Dill
Chapter 26: Sweet Cheruill and ordinary Cheruill
Chapter 27: French Mallowes
Chapter 28: Succorie and Endiue
Chapter 29: Spinach
Chapter 30: Lettice
Chapter 31: Purslane
Chapter 32: Tarragon
Chapter 33: Garden Cresses
Chapter 34: Garden Rocket
Chapter 35: Garden Mustard
Chapter 36: Sperage or Asparagus
Chapter 37: Cabbages and Coleworts
Chapter 38: Skirrets
Chapter 39: Parsneps
Chapter 40: Carrots
Chapter 41: Turneps
Chapter 42: Raddish
Chapter 43: Onions
Chapter 44: Leekes
Chapter 45: Garlicke
Chapter 46: Rampions
Chapter 47: Goates beard
Chapter 48: Carawayes
Chapter 49: Potatoes
Chapter 50: Artichokes
Chapter 51: Garden and French Beanes
Chapter 52: Pease
Chapter 53: The Cowcumber
Chapter 54: Milions or Muske Melons
Chapter 55: Pompions
Chapter 56: Strawberries
Chapter 57: Garden Angelica
Chapter 58: Dragons
Chapter 59: Garden Rue, or Herbe Grace
Chapter 60: The Blessed Thistle
Chapter 61: Winter Cherries
Chapter 62: Asarabacca
Chapter 63: Licorice
Chapter 1: Situation; nature of soyles; amend defects
Chapter 2: The forme of an Orchard
Chapter 3: Of a noursery for trees
Chapter 4: Grafting
Chapter 5: Grafting and propagating all sorts of Roses
Chapter 6: Certaine rules and obseruations in and after grafting, not remembred in the former Chapter
Chapter 7: Obseruations for the dressing and well keeping of Trees and an Orchard in good order
Chapter 8: Diuers other obseruations to be remembred in the well keeping of an Orchard
Chapter 9: The manner and way how to plant, order, and keepe other trees that beare greene leaues continually
Chapter 10: The ordering, curing, and propagating Vines of all sorts
Chapter 11: The way to order and preserue grapes
Chapter 1: Raspis
Chapter 2: Currans red, white, and blacke
Chapter 3: Gooseberries or Feaberries
Chapter 4: Barberries
Chapter 5: The Filberd
Chapter 6: The Vine
Chapter 7: The Figge tree
Chapter 8: The Seruice tree
Chapter 9: The Medlar tree
Chapter 10: The Lote or Nettle tree
Chapter 11: The Cornell tree
Chapter 12: The Cherry tree
Chapter 13: The Plumme tree
Chapter 14: Apricockes
Chapter 15: Peaches
Chapter 16: Nectorins
Chapter 17: Almonds
Chapter 18: Orenges
Chapter 19: Apples
The kindes or sorts of Apples.
Chapter 20: Quinces
Chapter 21: Peares
The kindes of Peares.
Chapter 22: The Wallnut
Chapter 23: The Horse Chesnut
Chapter 24: The Mulberrie
Corollarie to this Orchard
Index omnium stirpium quæ in hoc opere continentur.
A Table of the English names of such Plants as are contained in this Booke.
A Table of the Vertues and Properties of the Hearbes contained in this Booke.
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