Caribbean Journal of Psychology, Volume 10:1
US$ 30.00
CJP Vol 10 Issue 1 2018 UWI 70th Anniversary_Oct 29_web.pdf
Editorial Board
Author Guidelines
Editorial: A Commentary on the Special Issue - Important Strides / Jaipaul L. Roopnarine
Research in Educational Psychology in the English-speaking Caribbean: A Systematic Literature Review / Donna-Maria Maynard
A Contemporary Look at Parenting Beliefs and Practices and Childhood Outcomes in Caribbean Cultural Communities / Haidy J.M. Lie-A-Ling
Psychometric Concerns Associated with Using Psychological Assessment Tools from Eurocentric Countries in Anglophone Caribbean Nations / Michael Canute Lambert
Demographic Factors Associated with Suicide in Trinidad and Tobago: An Analysis of Completed Suicide, 2000-2016 / M. J. Nobie, Gerard Hutchinson
Comparative Study of the Attitudes of Police Recruits and In-Service Police Officers Toward the Mentally Ill in Trinidad / Linda Lila Mohammed
National Response to Violence Against Children in Relation to General Comment 13: The situation in Suriname – a Socio-juridical Exploration / Maya Manohar
Caribbean Migration and Globalization: Illuminating New Global Patterns of Acculturation and Adaptation in the 21stCentury / Gail M. Ferguson
Mental Health Issues and Therapy with Caribbean Peoples: Reflections of Seasoned Psychologists / G. Rita Dudley-Grant
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