Bright Crow Publishing
A Long Walk
Traverse Davies
Literature & Fiction
A Long Walk
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The dead have risen...
A divorced father is challenged with making his way through a newly transformed world turned terrifying and violent in hopes to reach the one piece of his life he has left... his daughter.
Hoping to find some form of a safe haven where they can begin to piece a new life together they are joined by new companions; a junkie who knows how to stay alive and a teenage girl with something to prove. Together they face the undead and obstacles far more dangerous than they could have imagined...
...survival comes with a cost...

Meet Jasper
A very bad morning
Fire and Water
A bad ending
Crossing the river
Robert at the Cottage
No safety in the skies
Schools out for summer
Clearing the way
Meet me behind the wood pile
The haul
Wounded, nearly dead
The great hunter
It's a small world after all
Halfway between the north pole and the equator
Everything falls apart in the end
Approaching Storm
Into the Tame
Can't Rely on Anybody
I'm Living Downtown
Reap What You Sow
In the Mouth of Madness
I Love It When a Plan Comes Together
What She Saw in the Night
Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting
Into the Fire
Barbarians at the Gate
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