Latoya Wakefield
The Lizard Who Couldn’t Tell a Lie
Children's Books
The Lizard Who Couldn’t Tell a Lie
US$ 5.99
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Leroy loves life, from racing up trees to sipping droplets from leaves. However, as he grows older, the prospect of venturing into the village becomes a daunting reality, haunted by tales of mysterious Big Humans capturing his kind.

Guided by his older brothers, Leroy undergoes training in essential survival skills, including the crucial art of changing color to elude potential threats. But there's a catch – changing color requires a minor lie, a notion Leroy vehemently opposes due to his commitment to truth-telling.

As Leroy's anxiety mounts, the day to join his brothers in the village arrives. Faced with imminent danger, Leroy stands firm against the pressure to tell a lie. In a surprising turn of events, he finds himself face-to-face with a big human. Will he tell a lie so that he can hide or will he stay committed to the truth?

Join Leroy on this enchanting adventure as he discovers that sometimes, staying true to oneself brings the most delightful surprises.

Perfect for readers of all ages, this charming story imparts valuable lessons about honesty, courage, and the beauty of embracing one's unique qualities. Dive into "The Lizard Who Couldn't Lie" and witness the magic that unfolds when authenticity triumphs over conformity.

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