Oxford University Press
Rollercoasters: Ghost Boys
Jewell Parker Rhodes
Rollercoasters: Ghost Boys
US$ 10.80
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When 12-year-old Jerome is killed by a police officer who mistakes his toy gun for a real one, Jerome becomes a ghost. Stuck on earth and watching his family grieve, Jerome wonders why he remains there. He begins to notice other ghost boys and as their stories are revealed, he learns they have something in common and remain behind on earth for a reason. But what can the dead do to bring about change?

Combining fiction and real events, the book explores themes of racism, prejudice and discrimination. As it jumps between past and present, Ghost Boys spans generations of injustice, inspiring discussions of social justice and the fight for equality.

Ghost Boys
Further Resources for Parents and Educators
Author Profile
Novel Insights
Language and Style
Vocabulary List
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