The University of the West Indies Press
WILJ Vol. 40 Nos. 1 & 2 Art. 3 | No Exemption: Attorneys-at-law Caught in the Anti-Money Laundering Dragnet
Garcia Kirt Kelly
WILJ Vol. 40 Nos. 1 & 2 Art. 3 | No Exemption: Attorneys-at-law Caught in the Anti-Money Laundering Dragnet
US$ 1.50
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On 15 November 2013, the Minister of National Security amended the Proceeds of Crime Act Jamaica (POCA) to include lawyers within the regulated sector. On account of this amendment, Jamaica has now achieved substantial compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations. This amendment marks an intrusion into the lawyer-client relationship which threatens to undermine the relationship of trust and confidence between lawyers and their clients. The Jamaican Bar Association has decided to challenge the constitutionality of this amendment and, such a challenge will require the Constitutional Court to balance two competing public interests. Firstly, the public interest in improving the capability of the relevant authorities to detect, investigate and prosecute money laundering and, secondly, the public interest in maintaining the relationship of trust and confidence between a lawyer and a client in the administration of justice.

Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Issue No. 1
No Exemption: Attorneys-at-law Caught in the Anti-Money Laundering Dragnet | by Garcia Kirt Kelly
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Record-Keeping
Suspicious Transaction Reporting and No Tipping Off
Vulnerabilities of the Legal Sector
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