Oxford University Press
Oxford Children's Classics: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
Oxford Children's Classics: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
US$ 9.74
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This Oxford Children's Classic features an introduction by Frances Hardinge and other bonus material including insights for readers, facts, activities, and more . . .
When Alice follows a rabbit through a hole, she finds herself in the fantasy world of Wonderland-a whimsical place filled with talking creatures and amazing landscapes. As she faces challenges and impossible puzzles, Alice learns valuable lessons about courage and self-discovery.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
1 Down the Rabbit Hole
2 The Pool of Tears
3 A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
4 The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
5 Advice From a Caterpillar
6 Pig and Pepper
7 A Mad Tea-Party
8 The Queen’s Croquet-Ground
9 The Mock Turtle’s Story
10 The Lobster-Quadrille
11 Who Stole the Tarts?
12 Alice’s Evidence
Through the Looking-Glass
1 Looking-Glass House
2 The Garden of Live Flowers
3 Looking-Glass Insects
4 Tweedledum and Tweedledee
5 Wool and Water
6 Humpty Dumpty
7 The Lion and the Unicorn
8 ‘It’s My Own Invention’
9 Queen Alice
10 Shaking
11 Waking
12 Which Dreamed It?
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