Hodder Education
Jamaica Primary Language Arts Book 6 NSC Edition
Josh Lury
Jamaica Primary Language Arts Book 6 NSC Edition
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Jamaica Primary Language Arts covers all the Language Arts strands under the National Standards Curriculum and assists students in interacting with methodologies and content not only in Language Arts but also in other disciplines across the NSC.
The Four Cs of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity take centre stage in these appealing and engaging books. Students will be supported and encouraged in their journeys to becoming life-long learners. The books are task-oriented and student-centred, with many activities which students will find both engaging and relevant.
- Explore and develop phonemic awareness through a variety of games and activities
- Learn and use literary terms and learn how to engage with different types of text
- Guide students to an understanding of the structure of language
- Explore written communication for a variety of purposes
- Ensure a smooth transition to the next phase of learning

Book Title
Term 1 Unit 1 Culture and heritage
Project 1: An independent country
Speaking and listening: Discuss and analyse photographs; listen to a reading and make notes; identify key information in a verbal account
Word builder: Vocabulary about independence; definitions; pronunciation; silent letters; prefixes and suffixes
Let’s read: Identify text types; locate information using headings; identify key topic sentences; use of headings, introduction, bullet points, captions; summarise; identify intended audience; plan research work
Grammar builder: Concrete and abstract nouns
Let’s write: Write formal letters
Project 2: Our cultural heritage
Speaking and listening: Research, prepare and conduct a class debate about Jamaican culture
Word builder: Vocabulary about Jamaican culture; spelling; use mind maps to categorise vocabulary
Let’s read: Read and answer questions about Jamaican National Heroes; research further information by skimming, collecting references and using mind maps
Grammar builder: Interrogative pronouns; ask questions in the past, present and future tenses
Let’s write: Plan and write a script; review and express an opinion
Project 3: Then and now
Speaking and listening: Discuss chronological order by observing photographs; describe a scene in Jamaican Creole and Standard Jamaican English
Word builder: Vocabulary including homophones; correct false use of homophones
Let’s read: Identify relevant information; identify and categorise linking words; understand chronological order; compare and contrast two sets
Grammar builder: Before/after comparison and linking words; sequencing words; additional and contrasting links
Let’s write: Write a journal entry using a Venn diagram, linking words and phrases
Project 4: It was in the news
Speaking and listening: Listen to a reading and make notes; discuss questions and predict answers
Word builder: Identify prefixes and root words; misused homophones; Jamaican Creole and Standard Jamaican English use
Let’s read: Read a news report and answer questions; comment on a title; consider consequences
Grammar builder: Plan paragraphs; paragraph structure; write opening and concluding sentences
Let’s write: Write a news report; plan main ideas, paragraphs; write details; check and edit
Project 5: Stories from the past
Speaking and listening: Respond to pictures; factual and emotional thinking; share ideas
Word builder: Suffixes; adjectives; transform nouns and verbs into adjectives; use adjectives to change meanings
Let’s read: Compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction; identify purpose of a text; describe different writing techniques; rhetorical questions
Grammar builder: Main and subordinate clauses; conjunctions; sentence construction
Let’s write: Plan and undertake a longer writing project; use a visual organiser; use visual stimuli; discuss story techniques: characters, openings, suspense, description; make a first draft
Project 6: Jamaican literature
Speaking and listening: Listen and respond to a poem; ask and answer questions; perform the poem
Word builder: Inferences from context; mnemonics
Let’s read: Read an excerpt from a longer story; identify purpose of text; identify the main event; compare and contrast with other texts; identify writing techniques involving adjectives, dialogue, sound effects and questions
Grammar builder: Subordinate and relative clauses; relative pronouns; subject-verb agreement
Let’s write: Continue work on the longer writing project; edit and improve; techniques for improving story openings
Term 1 Unit 1 Review and assessment
Term 1 Unit 2 The physical environment
Project 7: An island of contrasts
Speaking and listening: Focused listening, using listening techniques
Word builder: Write definitions; construct sentences; use spelling techniques
Let’s read: Recognise the viewpoint and purpose of text; identify positive and negative viewpoints; use and read maps; techniques for understanding words’ meanings
Grammar builder: Adjectives that show viewpoint
Let’s write: Awareness of personal response to written stimuli; show viewpoint in writing
Project 8: Fact or opinion?
Speaking and listening: Listen for facts and opinions; understand and explain the difference between objective and subjective writing
Word builder: Root words and word families; construct sentences
Let’s read: Identify facts and opinions; use question words to extract information from texts
Grammar builder: Concrete and abstract nouns; understand and explain noun types
Let’s write: Write a presentation including technical vocabulary and facts; write a paragraph expressing viewpoint; give and receive feedback; use a listening focus chart
Project 9: Up in the mountains
Speaking and listening: Listen to a poem and answer questions; identify poetic features; personification
Word builder: Spelling rules in word families; suffixes; double consonants; homophones
Let’s read: Read and respond to poetry; understand transformation and personification; assist comprehension by reading expressively
Grammar builder: Adjectives and adverbs; modify verbs with adverbs
Let’s write: Personification in writing; figurative language and storyboarding; invoke the senses in writing; write with anticipation and feeling
Project 10: Pictures that tell stories
Speaking and listening: Proverbs and sayings in Jamaican Creole and Standard Jamaican English; picture cues; discuss information obtained from pictures; identify facts and opinions
Word builder: Homonyms, antonyms, synonyms; use nouns, adjectives and verbs to describe pictures
Let’s read: Read and respond to texts; answer true or false questions; collect and interpret data; read graphs to extract information and make predictions
Grammar builder: Conjunctions; simple, compound and complex sentences
Let’s write: Plan, prepare and create a presentation about a problem; write about cause and effect using visuals to enhance presentation and language appropriate to the task
Project 11: What if there is a tsunami?
Speaking and listening: Hypothetical questions; use question words: what, who, why, how, where, when; share response with class; ask follow-up questions
Word builder: Syllabification; use a dictionary
Let’s read: Narrative of speculative texts; answer comprehension questions; summarise; think hypothetically
Grammar builder: Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives; singular and plural; possessive pronouns
Let’s write: Use a storyboard to complete a story; sequencing phrases; understand the pattern and structure of a story; plan, write and redraft a story, using feedback from others
Project 12: The aftermath
Speaking and listening: Work in groups to plan, rehearse and act out a news report about a disaster
Word builder: Syllabification; use a dictionary; compile definitions for selected words; identify prefixes, suffixes and unusual spelling patterns; use different spelling strategies
Let’s read: Choose a headline for a news report; summarise; understand and describe the viewpoint; inference; fact and opinion; subjectivity and objectivity; critical and analytical reading
Grammar builder: Abstract and concrete nouns; demonstrative pronouns; linking phrases and conjunctions; adjectives and adverbs; ask questions; main and subordinate clauses
Let’s write: Write a persuasive text; personification; use an editor’s checklist; use prompts or a paragraph planner
Term 1 Unit 2 Review and assessment
Term 2 Unit 1 Energy and matter, light and sound
Project 13: Light in our lives
Speaking and listening: Identify prior knowledge; discuss and agree rules for classroom communication; discuss responses to visual stimulus; differentiate facts and opinions
Word builder: Use a dictionary; identify spelling patterns; prefixes and suffixes; homonyms and homophones
Let’s read: Skim to assess a text; identify fact and opinion; define words in context; skim and scan for specific information; prepare a reference list
Grammar builder: Verb tenses and modal auxiliaries
Let’s write: Write in paragraphs; write a journal; use reference lists and visual organisers
Project 14: Light
Speaking and listening: Complete sentences from dictation; ask open questions; prepare a vox pop programme on a science subject; act out vox pop interviews; categorise answers
Word builder: Identify definitions of technical words; create a word grid; identify and define words with prefix ‘photo’; create a glossary
Let’s read: Make predictions; verify information; create diagrammatic forms of information based on written text
Grammar builder: Construct sentences using pronouns, verbs and modal auxiliaries; observe the effect of modal auxiliaries on main verbs
Let’s write: A class game writing sentences in groups; write a scientific explanation using planned paragraphs
Project 15: Sounds in our lives
Speaking and listening: Research and present a report on given scientific topic; listen attentively and take notes
Word builder: Vocabulary about sounds; write definitions; create and solve anagrams
Let’s read: Comprehension questions; distinguish fact from opinion; skim a text; express and justify an opinion; define phrase in context
Grammar builder: The past perfect tenses
Let’s write: Summarise a text; write research summaries
Project 16: The science of sound
Speaking and listening: Play games using sound effects, miming and actions; prepare and deliver a presentation; ask and answer questions
Word builder: Suffixes; spelling patterns in root words; pronunciation; letter combinations with multiple sounds
Let’s read: Read factual texts and answer questions; compare and contrast; summarise
Grammar builder: Demonstrative pronouns
Let’s write: Write a detailed paragraph; writing a scientific, objective text
Project 17: Sounds of science
Speaking and listening: Listen to and repeat poetry; echoing: rhythm, volume and intonation
Word builder: Similes
Let’s read: Answer pre-reading questions; explain and justify opinions; inference; devise lower, middle and higher order comprehension questions
Grammar builder: Sketch a visual response to a text; annotate with precise and vivid nouns, adjectives, verbs, similes
Let’s write: Write a story following a story structure diagram; write in paragraphs; re-read, check and edit
Project 18: Sound and light in movies
Speaking and listening: Listen to a piece of music and sketch a visual response; share opinions, use class communication protocol; listen for rhythm and pitch
Word builder: List and categorise topic words; match definitions to words; prefixes, suffixes and root words; spelling strategies; devise and play word games
Let’s read: Identify viewpoint; persuasive techniques
Grammar builder: Similes; parts of speech; comparing and contrasting words; synonyms
Let’s write: Write a movie or music review; express viewpoint; write in paragraphs
Term 2 Unit 1 Review and assessment
Term 2 Unit 2 The human body system
Project 19: The way we move
Speaking and listening: Discuss images of the body; demonstrate the body movements, including verbal and non-verbal elements
Word builder: Vocabulary about the human body; syllabification; use technical vocabulary in sentences; etymology
Let’s read: Use a 3-2-1 table to respond to a text; back up ideas and opinions with evidence; use evidence to evaluate texts; understand the purpose of a text
Grammar builder: Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives
Let’s write: Plan and write a story using an opening stimulus and on a given theme; use the RAFT strategy to identify role, audience, format and topic
Project 20: Be strong and healthy
Speaking and listening: Read aloud; watch and listen to advertisements and discuss persuasive techniques; hold a class discussion; evaluate and make judgements
Word builder: Contractions; common errors; plurals, possessives and contractions
Let’s read: Analyse advertisements; evaluate audience; discuss opinions; re-write advertisements
Grammar builder: Pronouns; singular and plural reflexive pronouns
Let’s write: Create a visual advertisement for a magazine; write a script for a radio advertisement; write an advertisement which appears to be objective; write for different audiences; use formal/informal language; slogans, opinions, rhymes and alliteration
Project 21: They overcame
Speaking and listening: Interpret and discuss visual image; agree class response
Word builder: Write pronunciation guide; using a dictionary; make a glossary; identify and use spelling strategies
Let’s read: Middle and higher order comprehension; justify opinions; identify and undertake follow-up research; use RAFT strategy to plan a speech
Grammar builder: Subordinate clauses; relative pronouns; relative clauses
Let’s write: Use the plan in “Research and study skills” lesson to write a speech; use an editing checklist
Project 22: The kidneys are amazing organs
Speaking and listening: Listen to and answer questions on a text; identify key information points; using the 3-2-1 strategy
Word builder: Identify basic and unusual spelling patterns; draw and label a diagram using technical vocabulary; focus on accurate, scientific vocabulary
Let’s read: Metacognition and thinking strategies; use reading response symbols
Grammar builder: Appositive nouns and phrases; punctuation in phrases with appositive phrases; write appositive phrases for technical vocabulary
Let’s write: Work in groups to plan and prepare a class presentation
Project 23: When we need medical help
Speaking and listening: Informal discussion using class communications protocol; ask and answer questions; use KWI prompt to support listening and reflection; listen to and discuss a news report
Word builder: Vocabulary beginning with chr-; find definitions, use words in context; pronunciation of ‘ch’ in words
Let’s read: Read a formal letter using the RAFT strategy; use reading response symbols; share strategies for decoding meaning; identify and explain the purpose of emotional techniques
Grammar builder: Identify use of tenses in formal letters; continuous tense and perfect tense; identify signal words and phrases
Let’s write: Plan and write a formal letter; use signal words, formal style and appropriate technical vocabulary
Project 24: Understanding puberty
Speaking and listening: Class discussion; use language techniques to support sensitive discussions; listen to and discuss poetry
Word builder: Identify syllable pattern and rhythm in words; root words, prefixes and suffixes; define and use accurate technical vocabulary in context
Let’s read: Pre-reading activities and prediction; call-and-response reading; understand Shakespearean writing; “Let’s read” skills
Grammar builder: Use speech bubbles, scripts, direct quotation and reported speech; write dialogue; convert quotation to reported speech
Let’s write: Write a dialogue, a script or a poem on the unit theme
Term 2 Unit 2 Review and assessment
Term 3 Unit 1 Diversity, sustainability and interdependence
Project 25: A diverse country
Speaking and listening: Discuss with a partner and a group; compare likes and dislikes; explore differences and similarities
Word builder: Sort words into categories; use dictionaries or glossaries; discuss symbolism of words
Let’s read: Read maps and charts; interpret and summarise diagrams; explain patterns in graphs; evaluate non-verbal forms of information
Grammar builder: Continuous and perfect verb forms; verb-subject agreement; verb forms with collective nouns
Let’s write: Evaluate a piece of writing, identifying language choices; research statistical information and write a written interpretation
Project 26: Ancestors and descendants
Speaking and listening: Listen to texts for information; compare and contrast; discuss in groups
Word builder: Syllabification, prefixes, suffixes and root words to learn, understand and remember vocabulary; create and participate in spelling challenges
Let’s read: Understand the difference between personal and formal letters; identify how feelings are expressed in text
Grammar builder: Understand the purpose of punctuation marks colon, ellipses, dashes and brackets
Let’s write: Plan and write a personal letter
Project 27: Reflecting on colonisation
Speaking and listening: Listen to and read a poem aloud; identify characteristics of a poem; articulate a response to poetry; make connections with other artforms
Word builder: Onomatopoeic words
Let’s read: Read and respond to a poem; interpret a poem in actions; write in poetic style; understand the context and setting of a poem; research poet’s biography
Grammar builder: Reflexive pronouns; punctuation; use a graphic organiser to structure a paragraph
Let’s write: Compose a poem on a given subject; use poetic techniques
Project 28: Ethnic groups
Speaking and listening: Prepare interview questions on a given theme; role play interviewing and being interviewed; develop and express knowledge, empathy and understanding
Word builder: Inference; syllabification; root words; pronunciation; compile word lists and sample sentences; synonyms
Let’s read: Read information on a website; answer “Let’s read” questions; use inference; identify further research
Grammar builder: Contractions; apostrophe of omission and possession; false homophones
Let’s write: Plan, research and write a presentation on a chosen theme; use notes and visual representations in writing
Project 29: The Caribbean
Speaking and listening: Ask and answer questions about a map; conduct a class discussion; listen to songs and poems
Word builder: Create a Caribbean-themed alphabet; proper nouns; common nouns; adjectives; spelling and pronunciation strategies
Let’s read: Identify text type from visual appearance, style and tone; summarise; use inference; KWL strategy; evaluate content; explain and justify an opinion
Grammar builder: Use of punctuation; format of formal writing; main and subordinate clauses; verb tenses and agreement; devise a presentation on a grammar topic; write instructions; record notes in form of journal
Let’s write: Plan and compose a formal email
Project 30: Shared experiences
Speaking and listening: Prepare and deliver a presentation to the class in groups; ask and answer questions; summarise learning points
Word builder: Abbreviations and acronyms
Let’s read: Read a non-fiction text and answer questions; research and discuss related content; describe meaning; evaluate text
Grammar builder: Linking phrases; write linking phrases showing balance between two ideas; use linking phrases in practice debate
Let’s write: Plan and write a formal speech on a given subject; distinguish between factual evidence and statements of opinion
Term 3 Unit 1 Review and assessment
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