Hodder Education
Deall yr Holocost yn ystod CA3: Sut digwyddodd a pham? (Understanding the Holocaust at KS3: How and why did it happen? Welsh-language edition)
Stuart Foster, Andy Pearce, Eleni Karayianni, Helen McCord
Deall yr Holocost yn ystod CA3: Sut digwyddodd a pham? (Understanding the Holocaust at KS3: How and why did it happen? Welsh-language edition)
US$ 14.39
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In 2016 the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education published a landmark study, What do students know and understand about the Holocaust? Almost 10,000 students aged 11 to 18 participated in the research. It was the largest of its kind anywhere in the world. The study indicated that the vast majority of young people found the subject interesting and relevant. However, it also revealed that many students did not have clear knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust.

Written in direct response to the findings of the 2016 national study, this textbook significantly improves understanding of the Holocaust by:

> Providing you with an appropriate historical overview of key aspects of the Holocaust
> Helping you to understand the long-standing hatred of Jews (i.e., the roots of antisemitism)
> Deepening your knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust
> Encouraging you to challenge common myths and misconceptions (e.g., that Hitler was solely responsible for the Holocaust)
> Developing your understanding of key historical concepts (e.g., evidence, interpretation, causation, significance)
> Enabling you to answer the big historical question: How and why did the Holocaust happen?
> Helping you to appreciate the impact of the Holocaust on ordinary people across Europe
> Inviting you to consider the importance of the Holocaust and its significance today

This textbook is supported by additional materials and teacher guidance notes on the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education website (holocausteducation.org.uk).

The original design, development and distribution of this textbook was funded by the Toni Schiff Memorial Fund and the Pears Foundation. The Centre is enormously grateful for their support. The Wiener Holocaust Library also provided considerable assistance in developing the textbook.

Please note: This is a Welsh-language edition

Tudalen Deitl
Sut i ddefnyddio’r llyfr hwn
Cyflwyniad Beth oedd yr Holocost?
Uned 1 Bywyd Iddewig yn Ewrop
1.1 Pwy oedd Iddewon Ewrop cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd?
1.2 Pa ragfarn roedd Iddewon yn ei hwynebu?
Uned 2 Yr Almaen Natsïaidd 1933–39
2.1 Pwy oedd y Natsïaid?
2.2 Sut roedd y Natsïaid yn rheoli’r Almaen?
2.3 Pwy oedd y gelyn ym marn y Natsïaid, a sut roedden nhw’n eu trin nhw?
Uned 3 Bywyd Iddewig o dan reolaeth y Natsïaid 1933–39
3.1 Sut gwnaeth bywyd newid i Iddewon yr Almaen?
3.2 Pa effaith roedd creu yr ‘Almaen Fawr’ wedi ei chael ar Iddewon?
Uned 4 Iddewon Ewrop yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd
4.1 Beth ddigwyddodd i Iddewon Ewrop ar ddechrau’r rhyfel (1939–41)?
4.2 Beth oedd getos, a pham cawson nhw eu creu?
4.3 Beth oedd yr ‘Holocost drwy fwledi’?
4.4 Beth oedd yr ‘Ateb Terfynol’?
4.5 Pryd daeth yr Holocost i ben, a sut?
Uned 5 Yr Holocost: Ymatebion a chyfrifoldeb
5.1 Wnaeth yr Iddewon ymladd yn ôl?
5.2 Pwy oedd yn gyfrifol?
5.3 Wnaeth unrhyw un geisio achub yr Iddewon?
5.4 Sut gwnaeth llywodraeth Prydain ymateb i’r Holocost?
Uned 6 Canlyniad ac effaith
6.1 Beth gafodd ei golli?
6.2 Sut brofiad oedd goroesi’r Holocost?
6.3 A gafwyd cyfiawnder?
Casgliad Gwella gwybodaeth, cofio a choffáu
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