Hodder Education
My Revision Notes: Edexcel AS/A-level History South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to 'rainbow nation'
Peter Clements
My Revision Notes: Edexcel AS/A-level History South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to 'rainbow nation'
US$ 15.59
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Target success in Edexcel AS/A-level History with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam preparation activities and exam-style questions to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.

- Enables students to plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner

- Consolidates knowledge with clear and focused content coverage, organised into easy-to-revise chunks

- Encourages active revision by closely combining historical content with related activities

- Helps students build, practise and enhance their exam skills as they progress through activities set at three different levels

- Improves exam technique through exam-style questions with sample answers and commentary from expert authors and teachers

- Boosts historical knowledge with a useful glossary and timeline

Title Page
My Revision Planner
1 The response to apartheid, c.1948–59
Race, segregation and discrimination
Afrikaner culture and politics
Reasons for the National Party victory in 1948
Implementing apartheid: Strengthening the National Party
Pass laws and education
Political suppression and the Treason Trial
African nationalism, 1948–59: Political opposition in 1948
The Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC)
Exam focus
2 Radicalisation of resistance and the consolidation of National Party power, 1960–68
Peaceful protest
Government reactions to radicalised resistance, 1960–61
Creating a republic, 1960–61
African nationalist radicalisation, 1961–68
The Rivonia Trial and significance for Mandela
The impact of exile and imprisonment on the ANC and PAC
Strengthening ‘separate development’, 1961–68: Economic recovery
Strengthening ‘separate development’, 1961–68: The impact on black Africans
Exam focus
3 Redefining resistance and challenges to National Party power, 1968–83
Steve Biko and the South African Students’ Organisation (SASO)
The suppression and significance of the Soweto uprising
The decline and re-strengthening of the ANC
The role of Oliver Tambo
Domestic challenges to National Party power, 1974–83: Political unrest
Increasing pressures on the National Party governments
Political change in Southern Africa
International condemnation and calls for economic sanctions
Exam focus
4 The end of apartheid and the creation of the ‘rainbow nation’, 1984–94
Revolt in the townships, 1984–87
Government suppression
Reasons for Botha’s decision to negotiate, 1985–89
Economic problems
Negotiation and compromise, 1989–91: De Klerk’s ‘New Course’
The impact of unrest and violence
Continued pressures on a new political settlement, 1992–94
Constitutional agreement and elections
Exam focus
Key figures
Mark scheme
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