Hodder Education
'If I Were Education Secretary...': Views from the frontline
Geoff Barton
'If I Were Education Secretary...': Views from the frontline
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"Why do they have to keep on changing things?" It's a characteristic complaint from teachers and leaders in all parts of the UK, but especially in England.

Our political system means we are locked into short-term cycles. Politicians come and politicians go. In education departments it means there is a revolving door of ministers, each often eager to implement their own priorities and projects.

Civil servants jump, new directions are announced, plans are made ... and then suddenly the minister is promoted, moved to a new department, or dismissed.

It's no wonder that lurches in education policy can feel so bewilderingly frequent and uncoordinated. And it's also no wonder that teachers can become demoralised, be left feeling deskilled, and feel cynical about the role of politicians.

So how can we change this?

This book collects the views of serving school and college leaders, of policy-makers, and of former education secretaries. It asks them what they would do if they were in charge, and it asks those who were once in charge what they would do differently.

'If I Were Education Secretary ...' provides a fascinating glimpse into education policy as it is now - but also a template for how it could become more powerfully coherent in the future, moving a good education system to genuinely world class.

Title Page
The education footprint: Tom Arrand
What is education really for?: Gurpall Badesha
A new body: Jaideep Barot
Changing the game: Martyn Beer
The ethic of empathy: David Bell
The struggles and the triumphs: Estelle Bellamy
Overcoming disadvantage: Anastasia Byard
Thank you but goodbye: Nick Chafer
The promised land: Russ Clarke
Fairness and equality: David Cole
Changing the system: Sue Collings
A changing society: Dorothy Company
The hard bits: Tim Coulson
The community’s heart: Pepe Di’Iasio
Inspiring a profession: David Fitzsimmons
Governing quietly: Tim Gilson
Taking back control: Will Goldsmith
Territorial Teachers: Adam M Greenwood
To do: Jennifer Hanson
Tackling educational disadvantage: Janet Harvey
They behave for me: Chris Hildrew
It’s about them, not me: Nick House
Remember to say thank you: Gill Humphriss
Unleashing talent: Philip Hurst
Music at the heart: Michael Kidd
Education’s holistic nature: Cath Kitchen
Where things get done: Caroline Lowing
A vision: Roland Martin
All of us: Marcella McCarthy
A blueprint: Julie McCulloch
What school improvement should look like: Rea Mitchell
A system for all: Dawn Parkinson
A visionary approach: Alice Philipps
Battling assessment: Matthew Pike
Oh boy!: Dave Potter
Fool’s gold: Dominic Salles
I’ll stick around: Carl Smith
The personal side of education: Tim Smith
All ages, stages and settings: Michael Smythe
Equality in education: Andy Stone
Flourishing in the future: Neil Wallace
On reflection: Jeremy Waxman
The abolition of selection: Tim Webber
Winning hearts and minds: Nicola Wells
Overcoming barriers: Viv Wilks
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