Hodder Education
The Power of Teams: How to create and lead thriving school teams
Samuel Crome
The Power of Teams: How to create and lead thriving school teams
US$ 23.99
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In education, resources and time are scarce, yet the demand for performance is sky high. School leaders invest money and labour into improving their schools, navigating trade offs along the way. But what if one of the biggest improvements we could make to our schools was something we already do? What if enhancing teamwork so that school teams thrive, was actually the secret ingredient to success?

The Power of Teams explores evidence from across sectors, including education, to find out what high-performing teams share, and how we can adapt the most effective teamwork strategies to the unique environment of a school. The book outlines a model of teamwork factors that contribute to truly thriving teams, with theory, research, tangible actions for school teams, and a range of expert voices who contribute their experience in case studies.

Effective teamwork leads to purpose, belonging, trust, learning, and, ultimately, high performance. When we better understand the nuances of how teams can thrive, we discover the real Power of Teams.

Title Page
Foreword by Mary Myatt
What is a (school) team?
Part One: A model for thriving teams
Team Belonging
Chapter 1: Psychological safety
Chapter 2: Belonging
Chapter 3: Trust
Team Alignment
Chapter 4: Purpose
Chapter 5: Values and behaviours
Chapter 6: Goals
Team Operations
Chapter 7: Knowledge and expertise
Chapter 8: Roles and mental models
Chapter 9: Communication
Chapter 10: Meetings
Team Dynamics
Chapter 11: Motivation
Chapter 12: Conflict
Chapter 13: Cohesion
Chapter 14: Wellbeing
Team Development
Chapter 15: Learning
Chapter 16: Coaching approach
Chapter 17: Debriefs
Chapter 18: Leadership
Part Two: Building powerful school teams
Chapter 19: Building a thriving school team: a step-by-step guide
Chapter 20: Enabling conditions and accountability
Chapter 21: Dysfunctional teams
Chapter 22: Team FAQs
Concluding thoughts: The power of teams
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