Hodder Education
Preventing and Countering Extremism and Terrorist Recruitment: A Best Practice Guide
Hanif Qadir
Preventing and Countering Extremism and Terrorist Recruitment: A Best Practice Guide
US$ 38.39
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Hanif Qadir is recognised as one of the world's leading specialists in positively transforming violent extremists. He has worked with hundreds of high-risk terrorist and violent extremist cases and has challenged many known figureheads who lead violently extreme groups both at home and abroad. In this essential book for all those who work with young people, Hanif outlines the push and pull factors and the early indicators of radicalisation, and offers decisive and unambiguous advice on how and when to intervene. The book includes anonymous case studies of a wide variety of people Hanif has personally worked with and lays down simple lessons on what success and failure looks like when tackling extremism.

Copyright page
My personal journey into (and out of) Al Qaeda
What is radicalism?
PART A - The current landscape
What the UK government is doing
Understanding the underlying issues
Current and future challenges
PART B - Tackling extremism
The reality of the threat - the ideology of extremists
Who are the extremists–and how do they recruit?
Changes in attitudes and behaviour of vulnerable people
‘Push and pull factors’ affecting vulnerable people
Interventions: – how to take positive action
Answering some key questions
Case studies
Learning Outcomes: What we have learned so far
PART C - The Islamic Standpoint
The Islamic view of Extremists and Terrorist groups
Concluding remarks
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