Hodder Education
Successful Difficult Conversations: Improve your team's performance, behaviour and  attitude with kindness and success
Sonia Gill
Successful Difficult Conversations: Improve your team's performance, behaviour and attitude with kindness and success
US$ 23.99
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Whether you are a Head or Deputy Head, a Head of Department or Year 3 Teacher, this book is an invaluable read. It is full of practical ways to help you, when facing one of `those' conversations with a colleague or parent, you know in your heart you need to have, but would rather avoid having, because you don't really know what to say or how to say it.

Thank you
Using this book (read me first)
Who am I to tell you about difficult conversations?
Section 1: Why you should have difficult conversations
Chapter 1: Conflict is crucial for great schools
Chapter 2: The cost of conflict
Chapter 3: Picking your battles
Section 2: How to have successful difficult conversations
Chapter 4: The three core components of a successful difficult conversation
Chapter 5: Getting the conversation started
Chapter 6: Managing the emotions of difficult conversations
Chapter 7: Ensuring the conversation creates positive change
Chapter 8: Structuring the conversation for success
Chapter 9: Adapting your approach for success
Chapter 10: Ten common problems and how to avoid them
Chapter 11: The legal side of difficult conversations
Section 3: The bigger benefit of successful difficult conversations
Chapter 12: Creating a culture of feedback and improvement
Closing remarks
Successful difficult conversations training – how we help you
Developing an outstanding culture – how we help you
The authors
Works cited
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