Hodder Education
AQA Media Studies for A Level: Student Book - Revised Edition
Elspeth Stevenson, Stephanie Hendry
AQA Media Studies for A Level: Student Book - Revised Edition
US$ 63.59
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Written by experienced authors and teachers with examining experience, this book will support you through the A-level course and offers high-quality support you can trust.

- Provides comprehensive coverage of all the key theory for A-level
- Knowledge, understanding and skills are developed throuhgout the book and presented in a highly accessible way
- Includes practical approaches to developing skills
- Includes updated exam-style questions across both years, to ensure you are fully prepared for assessment
- A dedicated chapter on the Non-Examined Assessment element of the specification provides clear guidance on how you will be assessed
- An exam preparation chapter offers advice on how to revise and help you refine your exam technique
- A range of features including Activities, Tips, Quick Questions, Key Terms and Links help broaden your understanding and encourage independent learning.

This Student Book is designed to be used alongside AQA Media Studies for A Level & AS: Close Study Products

Title Page
How to use this book
Chapter 1 Reading print media
1.1 Decoding print media texts using basic semiotics
1.2 The technical codes and features used in print media texts
1.3 Narrative organisation in print media texts
1.4 Genre and print media texts
Chapter 2 Reading audio-visual media
2.1 Technical codes and features used in moving image texts
2.2 Applying semiotics to audio-visual media
2.3 Narrative organisation in audio-visual and audio texts
2.4 Genre and audio-visual and audio media
Chapter 3 Reading digital media
3.1 Technical codes and features used in online texts
3.2 Narrative organisation in digital media texts
3.3 Computer games
3.4 Intertextuality in digital media texts and computer games
Chapter 4 Media language
4.1 What we have learned so far about media language
4.2 How media language constructs and incorporates values and ideologies through ideological reading
4.3 Structuralism and post-structuralism
4.4 Postmodernism
Chapter 5 Media representations
5.1 General theories of representation
5.2 Constructing ‘reality’ through representation – Stuart Hall’s encoding and decoding
5.3 The relationship between representations and reality
5.4 Stereotyping and counter-representations
5.5 The ideological nature of common media representations and how we respond to them
5.6 Theories of identity and the role of the mass media
5.7 How industry contexts impact on representations
5.8 Discourses around representation and ideology: gender studies and the mass media
5.9 Ethnicity and postcolonial theory
5.10 The social, historical and cultural dimensions of media representations
Chapter 6 Media audiences
6.1 How the media industry targets audiences
6.2 The impact of new technologies on patterns of media consumption
6.3 Theories of media effects
6.4 Cultivation theory
6.5 Reception theory
6.6 Fandom and the media
6.7 ‘End of audience’ theory
Chapter 7 Media industries
7.1 The ever-changing nature of the media
7.2 Distribution and circulation: what they are and why they vary across media
7.3 Issues of ownership and control
7.4 How the commercial or not-for-profit nature of media organisations shapes the content they produce
7.5 Regulation of media consumption in the UK
7.6 New technologies and media regulation
7.7 The rise of digital producers and distributors
7.8 Netflix: disrupting the TV industry
7.9 Marvel and diversification
7.10 News and social media
Chapter 8 Developing media studies skills
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Analysis of media products and audience response
8.3 The social, cultural, political and economic role of the media
8.4 Essay writing
Chapter 9 Making media
9.1 Producing different types of media
9.2 Print production
9.3 Producing and working with still images
9.4 Moving image production
9.5 Audio production
9.6 Approaches to e-media production
Chapter 10 The NEA
10.1 Introduction to the NEA
10.2 Working on the NEA
10.3 A sample NEA brief
Chapter 11 The examinations
11.1 Introduction to the A level examinations
11.2 Paper 1: Media One
11.3 Paper 2: Media Two
Glossary of key terms
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