A Source Book for Ancient Church History
Joseph Cullen Ayer
Christian Books & Bibles
A Source Book for Ancient Church History
General Bibliographical Note
The First Division Of Ancient Christianity: The Church Under The Heathen Empire: To A. D. 324
Period I. The Apostolic Age: To Circa A. D. 100
§ 1. The Neronian Persecution
(a) Tacitus, Annales, XV, 44. Preuschen, Analecta, I, § 3:1. Mirbt, n. 3.
(b) Clement of Rome, Ep. ad Corinthios, I, 5, 6. Funk, Patres Apostolici, 1901. (MSG, 1:218.) Preuschen, Analecta, I, § 3:5.
§ 2. The Death of Peter and Paul
§ 3. The Death of the Apostle John
(a) Irenæus, Adversus Hæreses, II, 22, 5; III, 3, 4. (MSG, 7:785, 854.)
(b) Jerome, Comm. ad Galat. (MSL, 26:462.)
(c) Eusebius, Hist. Ec., III, 31. (MSG, 20:279.)
§ 4. The Persecution under Domitian
(a) Cassius Dio (excerpt. per Xiphilinum), Hist. Rom., LXVII, 14 f. Preuschen, Analecta, I, § 4:11.
Period II. The Post-Apostolic Age: A. D. 100-A. D. 140
§ 5. Christianity and Judaism
(a) Barnabas, Epistula, 4, 9.
(b) Justin Martyr, Dialogus cum Tryphone, 17. J. C. T. Otto, Corpus Apologetarum Christianorum Sæculi Secundi, third ed.; 1876-81. (MSG, 6:511.)
(c) Martyrdom of Polycarp, 12, 13.
§ 6. The Extension of Christianity
Justin Martyr, Dialogus cum Tryphone, 117. (MSG, 6:676.)
§ 7. Relation of the Roman State to Christianity
Plinius Junior, Epistulæ, X, 96, 97. Preuschen, Analecta, I, 12 ff. Cf. Mirbt, nn. 14. 15.
§ 8. Martyrdom and the Desire for Martyrdom
Ignatius of Antioch, Ep. ad Romanos, 4.
§ 9. The Position of the Roman Community of Christians in the Church
Dionysius of Corinth, “Epistle to the Roman Church,” in Eusebius, Hist. Ec., IV, 23. (MSG, 20:388.) For text, see Kirch, n. 49 f.
§ 10. Chiliastic Expectations
(a) Papias, in Eusebius, Hist. Ec., III, 39. (MSG, 20: 300.)
(b) Irenæus. Adv. Hæreses, V, 33. (MSG, 7:1213.)
(c) Justin Martyr, Dialogus cum Tryphone, 80 f. (MSG, 6:665.)
§ 11. The Church and the World
Ep. ad Diognetum, 5, 6.
§ 12. Theological Ideas
(a) Ignatius, Ep. ad Ephesios, 18 ff.
(b) Ignatius, Ep. ad Smyrnæos, 7.
(c) Ignatius, Ep. ad Trallianos, 9, 10.
§ 13. Worship in the Post-Apostolic Period
Justin Martyr, Apologia, I, 61:65-67. (MSG, 6:428 ff.) Cf. Mirbt, n. 18.
§ 14. Church Organization
(a) Clement of Rome, Ep. ad Corinthios, I, 42, 44.
(b) Didache, 7-15.
(c) Ignatius, Ep. ad Trallianos, 2, 3.
(d) Ignatius, Ep. ad Smyrnæos, 8.
§ 15. Church Discipline
Hermas, Pastor, Man. IV, I, 3.
§ 16. Moral Ideas in the Post-Apostolic Period
(a) Justin Martyr, Apologia, I, 10, 12. (MSG, 6:339, 342.)
(b) Didache, 6. Cf. Mirbt, n. 13.
(c) Hermas, Pastor, Man. IV, 4.
(d) Clement of Rome, Ep. ad Corinthios, II, 4, 16.
(e) Hermas, Pastor, Sim. V, 3.
Period III. The Critical Period: A. D. 140 to A. D. 200
Chapter I. The Church In Relation To The Empire And Heathen Culture
§ 17. The Extension of Christianity
§ 18. Heathen Religious Feeling and Culture in Relation to Christianity
§ 19. The Attitude of the Roman Government toward Christians, A. D. 138 to A. D. 192
§ 20. The Literary Defence of Christianity
Chapter II. The Internal Crisis: The Gnostic And Other Heretical Sects
§ 21. The Earlier Gnostics: Gnosticism in General
§ 22. The Greater Gnostic Systems: Basilides and Valentinus
§ 23. Marcion
§ 24. Encratites
§ 25. Montanism
Chapter III. The Defence Against Heresy
§ 26. The Beginnings of Councils as a Defence against Heresy
§ 27. The Apostolic Tradition and the Episcopate
§ 28. The Canon or the Authoritative New Testament Writings
§ 29. The Apostles' Creed
§ 30. Later Gnosticism
§ 31. The Results of the Crisis
Chapter IV. The Beginnings Of Catholic Theology
§ 32. The Apologetic Conception of Christianity
§ 33. The Asia Minor Conception of Christianity
Period IV. The Age Of The Consolidation Of The Church: 200 to 324 A. D.
Chapter I. The Political And Religious Conditions Of The Empire
§ 34. State and Church under Septimius Severus and Caracalla
§ 35. Religious Syncretism in the Third Century
§ 36. The Religious Policy of the Emperors from Heliogabalus to Philip the Arabian, 217-249
§ 37. The Extension of the Church at the Middle of the Third Century
Chapter II. The Internal Development Of The Church In Doctrine, Custom, And Constitution
§ 38. The Easter Controversy and the Separation of the Churches of Asia Minor from the Western Churches
§ 39. The Religion of the West: Its Moral and Juristic Character
§ 40. The Monarchian Controversies
§ 41. Later Montanism and the Consequences of its Exclusion from the Church
§ 42. The Penitential Discipline
§ 43. The Catechetical School of Alexandria: Clement and Origen
§ 44. Neo-Platonism
Chapter III. The First General Persecution And Its Consequences
§ 45. The Decian-Valerian Persecution
§ 46. Effects of the Persecution upon the Inner Life of the Church
Chapter IV. The Period Of Peace For The Church: A. D. 260 To A. D. 303
§ 47. The Chiliastic Controversy
§ 48. Theology of the Second Half of the Third Century under the Influence of Origen
§ 49. The Development of the Cultus
§ 50. The Episcopate in the Church
§ 51. The Unity of the Church and the See of Rome
§ 52. Controversy over Baptism by Heretics
§ 53. The Beginnings of Monasticism
§ 54. Manichæanism
Chapter V. The Last Great Persecution
§ 55. The Reorganization of the Empire by Diocletian
§ 56. The Diocletian Persecution
§ 57. Rise of Schisms in Consequence of the Diocletian Persecution
The Second Division Of Ancient Christianity: The Church Under The Christian Empire: From 312 To Circa 750
Period I: The Imperial State Church Of The Undivided Empire, Or Until The Death Of Theodosius The Great, 395
Chapter I. The Church And Empire Under Constantine
§ 58. The Empire under Constantine and His Sons
§ 59. Favor Shown the Church by Constantine
§ 60. The Repression of Heathenism under Constantine
§ 61. The Donatist Schism under Constantine
§ 62. Constantine's Endeavors to Bring about the Unity of the Church by Means of General Synods: The Councils of Arles and Nicæa
Chapter II. The Arian Controversy Until The Extinction Of The Dynasty Of Constantine
§ 63. The Outbreak of the Arian Controversy and the Council of Nicæa, A. D. 325
§ 64. The Beginnings of the Eusebian Reaction under Constantine
§ 65. The Victory of the Anti-Nicene Party in the East
§ 66. Collapse of the Anti-Nicene Middle Party; the Renewal of Arianism; the Rise of the Homoousian Party
§ 67. The Policy of the Sons of Constantine Toward Heathenism and Donatism
§ 68. Julian the Apostate
Chapter III. The Triumph Of The New Nicene Orthodoxy Over Heterodoxy And Heathenism
§ 69. The Emperors from Jovian to Theodosius and Their Policy toward Heathenism and Arianism
§ 70. The Dogmatic Parties and Their Mutual Relations
§ 71. The Emperor Theodosius and the Triumph of the New Nicene Orthodoxy at the Council of Constantinople, A. D. 381
Chapter IV. The Empire And The Imperial State Church
§ 72. The Constitution of the State Church
§ 73. Sole Authority of the State Church
§ 74. The Position of the State Church in the Social Order of the Empire
§ 75. Social Significance of the State Church
§ 76. Popular Piety and the Reception of Heathenism in the Church
§ 77. The Extension of Monasticism Throughout the Empire
§ 78. Celibacy of the Clergy and the Regulation of Clerical Marriage
Period II. The Church From The Permanent Division Of The Empire Until The Collapse Of The Western Empire And The First Schism Between The East And The West, Or Until About A. D. 500
Chapter I. The Church At The Beginning Of The Permanent Separation Of The Two Parts Of The Roman Empire
§ 79. The Empire of the Dynasty of Theodosius.
§ 80. The Extension of the Church about the Beginning of the Fifth Century
Chapter II. The Church Of The Western Empire In The Fifth Century
§ 81. The Western Church Toward the End of the Fourth Century
§ 82. Augustine's Life and Place in the Western Church
§ 83. Augustine and the Donatist Schism
§ 84. The Pelagian Controversy
§ 85. Semi-Pelagian Controversy
§ 86. The Roman Church as the Centre of the Catholic Roman Element of the West
Chapter III. The Church In The Eastern Empire.
§ 87. The First Origenistic Controversy and the Triumph of Traditionalism
§ 88. The Christological Problem and the Theological Tendencies
§ 89. The Nestorian Controversy; the Council of Ephesus A. D. 431.
§ 90. The Eutychian Controversy and the Council of Chalcedon A. D. 451
§ 91. Results of the Decision of Chalcedon: the Rise of Schisms from the Monophysite Controversy
§ 92. The Church of Italy under the Ostrogoths and during the first Schism between Rome and the Eastern Church
Period III. The Dissolution Of The Imperial State Church And The Transition To The Middle Ages: From The Beginning Of The Sixth Century To The Latter Part Of The Eighth
Chapter I. The Church In The Eastern Empire
§ 93. The Age of Justinian
§ 94. The Byzantine State Church under Justinian
§ 95. The Definitive Type of Religion in the East: Dionysius the Areopagite
Chapter II. The Transition To The Middle Ages. The Foundation Of The Germanic National Churches
§ 96. The Celtic Church in the British Isles
§ 97. The Conversion of the Franks. The Establishment of Catholicism in the Germanic Kingdoms
§ 98. The State Church in the Germanic Kingdoms
§ 99. Gregory the Great and the Roman Church in the Second Half of the Sixth Century
§ 100. The Foundation of the Anglo-Saxon Church
Chapter III. The Foundation Of The Ecclesiastical Institutions Of The Middle Ages
§ 101. Foundation of the Mediæval Diocesan and Parochial Constitution
§ 102. Western Piety and Thought in the Period of the Conversion of the Barbarians
§ 103. The Foundation of the Mediæval Penitential System
§ 104. The New Monasticism and the Rule of Benedict of Nursia
§ 105. Foundation of Mediæval Culture and Schools
Chapter IV. The Revolution In The Ecclesiastical And Political Situation Due To The Rise Of Islam And The Doctrinal Disputes In The Eastern Church
§ 106. The Rise and Extension of Islam
§ 107. The Monothelete Controversy and the Sixth General Council, Constantinople A. D. 681
§ 108. Rome, Constantinople, and the Lombard State Church in the Seventh Century
§ 109. Rome, Constantinople, and the Lombards in the Period of the First Iconoclastic Controversy; the Seventh General Council, Nicæa, A. D. 787
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