Bertram Mitford
Literature & Fiction
The King's Assegai: A Matabili Story
Bertram Mitford
"The King's Assegai"
Chapter One.
Tshaka’s Impi.
Tshaka’s Impi.
Chapter Two.
The King’s Promise.
The King’s Promise.
Chapter Three.
The Basutu Kraals.
The Basutu Kraals.
Chapter Four.
The Tyay’igama Dance.
The Tyay’igama Dance.
Chapter Five.
The Mosutu Witch-Doctor.
The Mosutu Witch-Doctor.
Chapter Six.
A Formidable Rival.
A Formidable Rival.
Chapter Seven.
The Fate of the Sentinel.
The Fate of the Sentinel.
Chapter Eight.
The Prophecy of Masuka.
The Prophecy of Masuka.
Chapter Nine.
The Kraal, Ekupumuleni.
The Kraal, Ekupumuleni.
Chapter Ten.
“Farewell, Gungana!”
“Farewell, Gungana!”
Chapter Eleven.
The Eaters of Men.
The Eaters of Men.
Chapter Twelve.
A Wild and Desperate Scheme.
A Wild and Desperate Scheme.
Chapter Thirteen.
In Outlawry.
In Outlawry.
Chapter Fourteen.
To Doom.
To Doom.
Chapter Fifteen.
The King’s Sentence.
The King’s Sentence.
“Well, Untúswa, I believe now, at any rate, that all the gold this waggon could carry would not purchase that assegai from you,” I said, as soon as the old man had finished. “But what of Nangeza? Was she put to death?”
“Well, Untúswa, I believe now, at any rate, that all the gold this waggon could carry would not purchase that assegai from you,” I said, as soon as the old man had finished. “But what of Nangeza? Was she put to death?”
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