Oxford University Press
Zoom Español 1
Isabel Alonso de Sudea, María Isabel Isern Vivancos, Abigail Hardwick
Zoom Español 1
US$ 29.70
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Zoom español is an inspiring two-part Spanish course offering fresh, exciting material and a fully-integrated video drama for the full ability range at KS3. There is a clear route through for students following both two-year and three-year courses so students and teachers know exactly how much material needs to be covered. Zoom español delivers the revised KS3 Programme of Study, PLTS and the Renewed Framework. The Zoom español 1 Student Book is full of inspiring activities to suit all learner types. Each unit links to a video clip and video-blog of four teenagers from Barcelona providing students with a real insight into Spanish-speaking people and their life. As well as plenty of engaging activities to support listening, reading, speaking and writing there are also pages in every u

Front Cover
Title Page
Tabla de materias
Starter Unit Vamos
0 Me presento
1A Me describo
1B El insti
2A Mi semana
2B Donde vivo yo
3A Me gusta
4A Lo pasaste bien
4B La vida tecno
Back Cover
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