Arts & Photography
French Cave Paintings
Project Gutenberg
"20,000 Year Old Cave Paintings"
Author(s) Unknown, Contributed by Monsieur Jean Clottes
1st XHTML Edition by Pietro Di Miceli <webmaster@promo.net>, November 2000
Foreword by the Editor
Project Gutenberg Document: Cavep.eng
Project Gutenberg Document: Cavep.fr
List of Pictures (JPEG)
Cave Painting featuring several animals including equines and bovines.
Picture Information
Cave Painting featuring a Mammoth and other animals
Picture Information
Cave Painting featuring several animals including rhinoceros.
Picture Information
Cave Painting featuring a hy(a)ena and another unidentified maculated animal.
Picture Information
Pictures (JPEG)
List of Pictures (GIF)
Cave Painting featuring several animals including equines and bovines.
Picture Information
Cave Painting featuring a Mammoth and other animals
Picture Information
Cave Painting featuring several animals including rhinoceros.
Picture Information
Cave Painting featuring a hy(a)ena and another unidentified maculated animal.
Picture Information
Pictures (GIF)
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