Oxford University Press
Dr KittyCat is ready to rescue: Nutmeg the Guinea Pig
Jane Clarke
Dr KittyCat is ready to rescue: Nutmeg the Guinea Pig
US$ 7.88
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Dr KittyCat is always ready with her furry first aid! In Nutmeg the Guinea Pig the little animals are having fun at Nutmeg's birthday party at the park when Nutmeg starts to feel dizzy and unwell. Luckily Dr KittyCat and Peanut are close at hand to help, so Nutmeg can have a happy birthday after all! 'We'll be there in a whisker!' This series follows the first-aid adventures of Dr KittyCat and Peanut the mouse, who's always at her side. Each book is about a small furry patient who badly needs Dr KittyCat's help. With fun and familiar contexts that children can relate to, lovable characters, and strong storylines around each medical emergency, the Dr KittyCat series has real appeal for children. A blend of photography and hand-drawn elements combine with compelling first-aid details to create a delightfully surreal furry world.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
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