The University of the West Indies Press
Caribbean Culture: Soundings on Kamau Brathwaite
Annie Paul, Kamau Brathwaite
Caribbean Culture: Soundings on Kamau Brathwaite
US$ 9.99
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Part 1. Ceremonies of the Word
1. Atumpan: Kamau Brathwaite and the Gift of Ancestral Memory
2. The Rhythms of Caribbean Vocal and Oral-Based Texts
3. Keeping Your Word: Contracts, Covenants and Canticles
4. When Form Becomes Substance: Discourse on Discourse in Two Calypsos
5. A Language of Myth
Part 2. Jah Music and Dub Elegy: Soundings on Kamau Brathwaite and Mikey Smith
6. The Music of Kamau Brathwaite
7. “Travelling Miles”: Jazz in the Making of a West Indian Intellectual
8. Remembering Michael Smith (Mikey, Dub and Me)
Part 3. The Sea Is History: Tidalectics, Middle Passages and Migrant Crossings
9. Routes and Roots: Tidalectics in Caribbean Literature
10. Kamau Brathwaite and the Haitian Boat People: Dream Haiti or the Nightmare of the Caribbean Intellectual
Part 4. Creolization, Historiography and Subalternity
11. Whose World View Rules? Sublated Contradictions of African and Creole in the Caribbean Historiography of Kamau Brathwaite
12. Kamau Brathwaite and the Creolization of History in the Anglophone Caribbean
13. Creolization, Hybridity, Pluralism: Historical Articulations of Race and Ethnicity
14, The Prose of Creolization: Brathwaite’s The Development of Creole Society and Subaltern Historiography
Part 5. Resurrecting the Human Face from the Archive
15. Resisting Representation: Locating Enslaved and Indentured Women’s Voices in the Colonial Caribbean
16. The Links of a Legacy: Figuring the Slave Trade to Jamaica
17. The Arabic Manuscript of Muhammad Kaba Saghanughu of Jamaica, c.1820
18. Religion and Sociopolitical Protest in Jamaica: Alexander Bedward of the Jamaican Native Baptist Free Church, 1889–1921
Part 6. Creole Bodies, Dancehall Style: Gender, Sexuality and Representation in Jamaican Popular Culture
19. “Love Punaany Bad”: Negotiating Misogynistic Masculinity in Dancehall Culture
20. Jamaica’s Emerging Tradition in Film: Presenting the Female Body in Dancehall Queen
Part 7. Jamaican Identities and Globalization: Citizenship, Subalternity and Cyberspace
21. Citizenship and Subalternity of the Voice within Globalization: Dilemmas of the Public Sphere, Civil Society and Human Rights in the Periphery
22. The Word in Cyberspace: Constructing Jamaican Identity on the Internet
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