The University of the West Indies Press
Current Themes in Social Psychology
Derek Chadee, Jason Young
Current Themes in Social Psychology
US$ 9.99
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Section 1. Social Cognition
1. Attributions as Behaviour Explanations: Towards a New Theory
2. Unrealistic Expectations: Ironic Influences of Expectancy Disconfirmation in Persuasion
3. Behavioural Confirmation as an Origin of Sexual Harassment
Section 2. Affective and Motivational Processes
4. A Two-Source Motivation Explanationto the Social Loafing Effect
5. “On the Verge”: A New Paradigm for Understanding Decision-Making about Safer Sex Behaviour
6. Hostile Environments and Stereotype Threats Lead to Derogation of Others: A Case for Self-Image Enhancement?
7. Rethinking How Fear of Crime Is Surveyed: Considering Social Psychological Factors
Section 3. Interpersonal Processes
8. The Interpersonal Power Interaction Model: Theoretical, Empirical and Methodological Reflections
9. Examining the Dynamism Dimension of Intergroup Beliefs
10. A Brief Review of Interpersonal Sensitivity: Measuring Accuracy in Perceiving Others
11. Officers as Lie Detectors: Guilty before Charged
Section 4. Group and Cultural Processes
12. Fear of Crime Research in the Caribbean: Developing a Social Psychological Framework
13. An Examination of Cultural and Race-Related Variables as Predictors of Black Men’s Psychological Well-Being
14. Singles: Maladjusted or Stigmatized?
15. Antecedents of and Reactions to Emotions in Southeast Serbia: A Comparative Study of Serbs and Romanies
Author Index
Subject Index
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Caribbean Journal of Psychology
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Carib Psych Bundle #1
Current Themes in Social Psychology
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