The University of the West Indies Press
Social Psychological Dynamics
Derek Chadee, Aleksandra Kostic
Social Psychological Dynamics
US$ 39.99
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Section 1. Creation of Evil
1. Transforming Good People into Perpetrator sof Evil: Can We Reverse the Process?
Section 2. Emotions and Nonverbal Communication
2. Subjective Evaluation of Emotional Experience in Two Cultures: Serbia and Trinidad
3. Visual and Vocal Communication Channels in Emotion Recognition of Messages
4. Assigning Meaning to Nonverbal Cues in Relationships
5. Channelling Charisma Through Face and Body Status Cues
6. Facial Appearance and Personality Judgements
Section 3. Family and Adolescent
7. Parent–Child Relationships in African and Indian Caribbean Families: A Social Psychological Assessment
8. Self-Definition in Social Change: Comparison Across Two Generations of Czech Adolescents
9. Adolescent Health in Situations of Contextual Disconnection
10. Social Capital, Motivational Autonomy and Health-Related Behaviour in Canadian and Russian Youth
Section 4. Influence of Social Situation
11. Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Values
12. Misperception of Weapons and Other Dangerous Objects: Priming in Racial Stereotype
13. Neighbourhood Disorder, Social Integration and Subjective Well-Being
14. Immigration, Settlement and Policy: Social and Psychological Analyses
15. Social Psychological Antecedents of Burnout: The Role of Dedication, Coping and Social Support
16. Assertive Reporting on Compound and Coordinate Bilinguals: Confirming the Ethnic Affirmation Hypothesis
17. Translating Response Anchors in Cross‑Cultural Research
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Social Psychological Dynamics
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