How To Code in Python 3
Lisa Tagliaferri
Computers & Technology
How To Code in Python 3

DigitalOcean’s How To Code in Python 3 tutorial series is available for free as an open educational eBook in both EPUB and PDF formats. Having these tutorials together in an eBook format provides you with a resource that you can use on your favorite e-reader without maintaining a constant internet connection. This way, you can use the book to learn key concepts while offline, or as a reference guide while you are coding on your computer.

Because it is available in an eBook format, How To Code in Python can be used as an Open Educational Resource and therefore as an alternative to a textbook in the classroom. Additionally, the eBook can be made available for the wider public through libraries.

This eBook can be used in a variety of ways, so this guide will break down how the general reader may want to approach the book, how teachers and students can use the book as part of their classes, and how public and university librarians can increase availability of this eBook as an educational resource. 

Python 2 vs Python 3: Practical Considerations
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on Ubuntu 16.04
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on macOS
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on Windows 10
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on CentOS 7
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Programming Environment on an Ubuntu 16.04 Server
How To Write Your First Python 3 Program
How To Work with the Python Interactive Console
How To Write Comments
Understanding Data Types
An Introduction to Working with Strings
How To Format Text
An Introduction to String Functions
How To Index and Slice Strings
How To Convert Data Types
How To Use Variables
How To Use String Formatters
How To Do Math with Operators
Built-in Python 3 Functions for Working with Numbers
Understanding Boolean Logic
Understanding Lists
How To Use List Methods
Understanding List Comprehensions
Understanding Tuples
Understanding Dictionaries
How To Import Modules
How To Write Modules
How To Write Conditional Statements
How To Construct While Loops
How To Construct For Loops
How To Use Break, Continue, and Pass Statements when Working with Loops
How To Define Functions
How To Use *args and **kwargs
How To Construct Classes and Define Objects
Understanding Class and Instance Variables
Understanding Inheritance
How To Apply Polymorphism to Classes
How To Use the Python Debugger
How To Debug Python with an Interactive Console
How To Use Logging
How To Port Python 2 Code to Python 3
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