Oxford University Press
MYP Spanish Language Acquisition (Capable)
Cristóbal González Salgado, Encina Alonso Arija
Education & Teaching
MYP Spanish Language Acquisition (Capable)
US$ 59.99
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Developed directly with the IB to be fully integrated with the revised MYP Language Acquisition framework, for first teaching in 2020. This comprehensive, inquiry-based resource equips learners to acquire and practice essential language skills while developing wider conceptual and contextual awareness.

An inquiry-led, concept-based approach applies key and related concepts to relevant learning material, helping you fully deliver the MYP approach and build meaningful conceptual connections.

Fully comprehensive, the resource addresses all the topics suggested in the MYP Language Acquisition Framework to help learners progress into the Diploma Programme.

Language acquisition guide recommended topics for the eAssessment
1 Somos lo que hacemos
2 ¡Qué novedad!
3 El colegio es mi vida
4 Mi casa es tu casa
5 Hábitos saludables
6 ¡Cuidemos nuestro mundo!
7 Creencias y valores
8 Las redes sociales
9 Viajes
10 Medios de comunicación
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