Free Range VHDL
Fabrizio Tappero
Computers & Technology
Free Range VHDL

This book is a fundamental guide to develop the skills necessary to write powerful VHDL code.

The approach taken by this book is to provide only what you need to know to get up and running quickly in VHDL. As with all learning, once you have obtained and applied some useful information, it is much easier to build on what you know as opposed to continually adding information that is not directly applicable to the subjects at hand.

VHDL is an extremely powerful tool. The more you understand as you work and study with VHDL, the more it will enhance your learning experience independently of your particular area of interest. The concept of using software to design hardware that is controlled by software will definitely provide you with endless hours of contemplation.

This book was written with the intention of being freely available to everybody. A paperback version can be purchased from our on-line store.

Purpose of this book
Introduction To VHDL
Golden Rules of VHDL
Tools Needed for VHDL Development
VHDL Invariants
Case Sensitivity
White Space
VHDL Statements
if, case and loop Statements
Reserved Words
VHDL Coding Style
VHDL Design Units
VHDL Standard Libraries
Signal and Variable Assignments
VHDL Programming Paradigm
Concurrent Statements
Signal Assignment Operator ``<=''
Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements
Conditional Signal Assignment when
Selected Signal Assignment with select
Process Statement
Standard Models in VHDL Architectures
Data-flow Style Architecture
Behavioral Style Architecture
Process Statement
Sequential Statements
Signal Assignment Statement
if Statement
case Statement
Caveats Regarding Sequential Statements
Exercises: Behavioral Modeling
VHDL Operators
Logical Operators
Relational Operators
Shift Operator
Other Operators
Concatenation Operator
Modulus and Remainder Operators
Review of Almost Everything Up to Now
Using VHDL for Sequential Circuits
Simple Storage Elements Using VHDL
Inducing Memory: Data-flow vs. Behavioral Modeling
Important Points
Exercises: Basic Memory Elements
Finite State Machine Design Using VHDL
VHDL Behavioral Representation of FSMs
One-Hot Encoding for FSMs
Important Points
Exercises: Behavioral Modeling of FSMs
Structural Modeling In VHDL
VHDL Modularity with Components
Generic Map
Important Points
Exercises: Structural Modeling
Registers and Register Transfer Level
Important Points
Exercises: Register Transfer Level Circuits
Data Objects
Types of Data Objects
Data Object Declarations
Variables and Assignment Operator ``:=''
Signals vs. Variables
Standard Data Types
User-Defined Types
Commonly Used Types
Integer Types
signed and unsigned Types
std_logic Types
Important Points
Looping Constructs
for and while Loops
for Loops
while Loops
Loop Control: next and exit Statements
Standard Digital Circuits in VHDL
RET D Flip-flop - Behavioral Model
FET D Flip-flop with Active-low Asynchronous Preset - Behavioral Model
8-Bit Register with Load Enable - Behavioral Model
Synchronous Up/Down Counter - Behavioral Model
Shift Register with Synchronous Parallel Load - Behavioral Model
8-Bit Comparator - Behavioral Model
BCD to 7-Segment Decoder - Data-Flow Model
4:1 Multiplexer - Behavioral Model
4:1 Multiplexer - Data-Flow Model
Appendix VHDL Reserved Words
Appendix Standard VHDL Packages
IEEE Standard Libraries
Non-standard Libraries
Appendix VHDL Reference Cards
Appendix Contributors to This Book
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