Oxford University Press
Super Happy Magic Forest and the Humongous Fungus
Matty Long
Super Happy Magic Forest and the Humongous Fungus
US$ 9.74
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The Super Happy Magic Forest is the friendliest, most frolic-filled place in all the world, but very occasionally some evil-doer likes to come along and disturb the peace. That's when our five brave heroes to step up to save the day-there's Blossom the unicorn, Tinkle the pixie, Herbert the gnome, Hoofius the faun, and a plucky little mushroom called Trevor. Prepare for epic adventures, the odd picnic-break, and plenty of fun-filled frolics!

Chapter One A Long-Expected Frolic
Chapter Two Enter the heroes
Chapter Three Doctor’s orders
Chapter Four the hunt for Sprite Jam
Chapter Five riddles on clover hill
Chapter Six the Bad things
Chapter Seven A tale of two Bellies
Chapter Eight hug it out
Chapter Nine new craze in town
Chapter Ten Five go to candyfloss cave
Chapter Eleven Droppings galore
Chapter Twelve march of the mushrooms
Chapter Thirteen the After-party
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