Hodder Education
New Caribbean Junior Readers 3
Frances Mordecai; Gregory Gordon
New Caribbean Junior Readers 3
US$ 11.99
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Build on infant foundations to develop the reading and language skills needed by 7 to 11 year olds in Books 1-4, and consolidate and reinforce these skills with Book 5 for the final year of Primary School.

- Develop comprehension and critical thinking skills in students with extracts on environmental, technological and historical topics supporting an integrated approach to learning.
- Broaden students' understanding with a variety of extracts from the Caribbean and beyond including fiction, poetry and non-fiction.
- Provide guidance and get the most out of lessons with free teacher's notes available at www.hoddereducation.co.uk/NewCaribbeanJuniorReaderTeachers

Book title
How Compère Tiger was Thrown Over the Cliff
The Crab and the Creek in the Canefield
To Catch a Crab
What do You do When it Rains?
Festivals and Special Days
Joe and the Carnival Costume
Winston ‘Spree’ Simon and Pan
The Friends
Divali Potters
Jamaican Foods and Drinks at Christmas time
Go Tell it on the Mountain
The Giant Pumpkin: A Play
Take Care of those Trees
A Bird of the Rain Forest
Orange Gold
Sending Messages
Using a Telephone Directory
Ram’s Prize
What Happened?
I’m Glad the Sky is Painted Blue
Elsie Learns about Cane
Making Sugar
Grandma Amy’s Sweetie Basket
Facts and Fables about Sea Creatures
How the Yawarie Got its Smell
The Survival Club
Water Safety Rules
Volcanoes Made Some of our Islands
Kick’em Jenny
Delroy and the Drive-in Volcano
The Day Plymouth Burned
Teachers’ Notes
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