The Limits of Patriarchy
Laura Stark
The Limits of Patriarchy

In the mid-19th century, letters to newspapers in Finland began to condemn a practice known as home thievery, in which farm mistresses pilfered goods from their farms to sell behind the farm master’s back. Why did farm mistresses engage home thievery and why were writers so harsh in their disapproval of it? Why did many men in their letters nonetheless sympathize with women’s pilfering? What opinions did farm daughters express?

This book explores theoretical concepts of agency and power applied to the 19th-century context and takes a closer look at the family patriarch, resistance to patriarchal power by farm mistresses and their daughters, and the identities of those Finnish men who already in the 1850s and 1860s sought to defend the rights of rural farm women.

This book is part of the Studia Fennica Ethnologica series.

Table of Contents
Notes on Translations and Referencing of Texts
I Background, Theory and Sources
1. Introduction
Familial patriarchy
Gender relations within the farm household
Women’s practices behind the scenes as a challenge to familial patriarchy?
2. Practices, Patriarchy and Power
Agency and cultural projects
Theorizing agency and social change
Household bargaining and hidden transcripts of resistance
3. Rural Inhabitants’ Participation in the Nineteenth-Century Press
The earliest newspapers aimed at the rural public
Obstacles faced by rural writers
Editors as gatekeepers to the public sphere
Local power struggles and anonymity
Who were rural writers and what were their motives?
Tapio’s encouragement of female writers
Changing discourses on gender in the Finnish-language press of the 1850s and 1860s
4. Source Materials and Methods
Ethical considerations
Published and archived ethnographic descriptions
Realistic ethnographic fiction
II Practices of Power in Everyday Life
5. The Rise Of Rural Consumption and its Discontents
Coffee: the necessary luxury
New clothing styles and the critique of ostentation
Consumption and patriarchal power
6. Home Thievery: A Moral Evil and Practical Dilemma
Ostentation and social competition
Home thievery in public discussion
The perilous consequences of home thievery
‘Great sackfuls of clothing’: trousseaux and wedding gifts
Contested spheres of authority and women’s justifications for home thievery
7. Female Gossip and ‘News Carrying’
Female gossips in written sources
Gossip as a welcome source of news
Gossips, ‘singers’ and news carriers
Putting news carriers to good use
The power of negative gossip
Gossip as a threat to the reputations of the youth
Gossip as a domain of intersecting cultural projects
III The Emergence of Public Discussion on Rural Gender in the Press
8. Inheritance, Labour Incentives and the Value of Women’s Farm Work
The 1862 debate in Tapio
Inheritance as a labour incentive for sons
The question of farm women’s daily needs
Testaments and wills as an unjust circumvention of the law
Was home thievery silently approved of in rural communities?
Home thievery as a hidden labour incentive for daughters
9. The Unenlightened Rural Patriarch
The patriarch and household members’ needs
The father and his children’s upbringing
The farm master and the rationalized household
The unenlightened patriarch as an obstacle to modern social reform
10. Hidden Transcripts and the Limits of Rural Patriarchy
The spatial organization of resources and the practised hidden transcript
On the trail of the verbal hidden transcript
Who really perceived home thievery to be a problem in the countryside and why?
Cultural projects of the patriarch under threat
New perspectives on gender history
Appendix I: Map of Historical Provinces in Finland
Appendix II: Finnish-Language Newspaper Sources on Home Thievery
Archival Source Abbreviations
Unpublished Sources
Literature Cited
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