Oxford University Press
Cambridge IGCSE & O Level Biology: Exam Success
Ron Pickering
Cambridge IGCSE & O Level Biology: Exam Success
US$ 23.99
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The Cambridge IGCSE® & O Level Biology Exam Success Guide fully supports the latest Cambridge IGCSE (0610) & O Level (5090) syllabuses and is suitable for use alongside our Complete and Essential IGCSE Biology series.

The Guide helps students cope with the increased rigour of linear IGCSEs by bringing clarity and focus to exam preparation and by providing explicit exam guidance. Learners can recap content through easy-to-digest chunks, apply this via targeted revision activities, review and reflect on their work, and use exam practice and worked examples to achieve best results.

The Biology Exam Success Guide is written by Ron Pickering, teacher trainer for Cambridge and author of the Complete Biology Student Book. Students can benefit from his expertise and excellent understanding of what support they need in order to reach their full potential.

Other resources are also available: a Practical Workbook, Student Books and Workbooks. The Practical Workbook helps students to achieve practical exam success. The Complete or Essential Student Book is at the heart of delivering the course and is available in print, online or in a great-value print and online pack. The Workbook is for independent practice and strengthens exam potential inside and outside the classroom.

1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms
2 Organisation of the organism
3 Movement in and out of cells
4 Biological molecules
5 Enzymes
6 Plant nutrition
7 Human nutrition
8 Transport in plants
9 Transport systems in animals
10 Diseases and immunity
11 Gas exchange in humans
12 Respiration
13 Excretion in humans
14 Coordination and response
15 Drugs
16 Plant and human reproduction
17 Inheritance
18 Variation and selection
19 Organisms and their environment
20 Human influences on ecosystems
21 Biotechnology and genetic engineering
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