A Researcher's Guide to Technology Demonstration
NASA ISS Program Science Office
Science & Math
A Researcher's Guide to Technology Demonstration
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ISS Technology Demonstration Program
Technology Readiness Level Advancement
In-Space Propulsion
Space Power and Energy
Robotics, Tele-Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Communication and Navigation
Life Support and Habitation Systems
Exploration Destination Systems
Science Instruments
Entry, Descent and Landing Systems
Materials, Structures and Manufacturing
Thermal Management Systems
Operational Processes and Procedures
ISS Accommodations
Expedite the Processing of Experiments for Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack
Station to Internal Facility Rack Resources
Aisle-Deployed Payloads
Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock
EXPRESS Logistics Carrier (ELC)
Columbus Exposed Facility (EF)
Robotic Capabilities
Mobile Servicing System (MSS)
JEM Robotic Manipulator System (RMS)
Access to the External Environment
Robotic Interfaces
Special Considerations
Deployable Small Satellites
Software and Avionics, ISS Command and Data Handling
Health and Status Data
Broadcast Ancillary Data (BAD)
Unique Ancillary Data
ISS Data Interfaces
Data Downlink Availability Downlink and Storage
Command/Data Latency
Payload Software and Displays
Telescience Resource Kit – Payload Operations Interface
ISS Characteristics
Internal Atmosphere
Orbit Characteristics
Guidance, Navigation and Control Characteristics
Microgravity Environment
External Contamination
Transportation to ISS
ISS Cargo Vehicles
Payload Integration Process
Application to ISS Technology Demonstration
Mapping to Identified Need
ISS Provided Assistance
Assigned Points of Contact
Hardware/Software Provided to Payload Developers
ISS Services
Hardware and Ground Handling Capabilities
Testing Capabilities
Top Level Payload Integration Milestones and Deliverables
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