Camil Publishers
Grade One Integrated Studies Workbook
Lunett Fearon, Maxine Miles & Carlene Campbell
Education & Teaching
Grade One Integrated Studies Workbook
US$ 12.50
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Note to Teacher, Parent/Guardian 

Dear Teachers, Parents and Guardians, 

The Grade One Integrated Studies provides a year of interaction, related to the new National Standards Curriculum. 

The introduction of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to the curriculum shows that interesting times are ahead as it relates to children’s learning. This book among other things seeks to encourage participation in areas such as: 

• Collecting and recording data using various age appropriate media. 

• Discovering the difference between man made and natural resources. 

• Observing and comparing objects by size, texture, taste and smell. 

• Observing, drawing and recording objects and dates as the children explore the environment, especially on field trips. 

• Observe, draw and record answers to questions. 

• Familiarise themselves with different groups at school and use discarded materials to create models. 

• Measure using non standard materials. 

• Generally taking a hands-on approach to learning. 

We hope the Grade One students will have a great year at learning as they communicate, create, collect, calculate, compare, explore, discover, record, observe, draw conclusions and share their knowledge using the STEM approach. 

Teachers and parents will find this book useful. Children will find it quite interesting. 

Enjoy every minute of it! 

Copyrights + Credits
Introduction: Video
Unit 1: Who am I?
Focus Question 1: How do you know me?
What is your name? pg 4
Activity: What is your name? page 5
How did you get your name? page 6
Activity: How did you get your name? page 7
What is your name? pg 8
What Am I Like? Male & Female pg 9
Male & Female (Relatives) pg 10
Activity: Are they male or female? pg 11
Male & Female (Animals) pg 12
Media: 3D Object (Horse) pg 12
What am I like? About me pg 13
Common & Capital Letters pg 14
Activity: Who am I? pg 15
Activity: Who am I? pg 16
Rules pg 17
Movie: A Special Rule pg 18
Quiz: A Special Rule pg 19
Focus Question 2: To which group do I belong?
Groups: School Clubs pg 20
Groups: School Houses pg 21
Groups: School Houses pg 22
Groups: Religious pg 23
Groups: Religious pg 24
Groups: Religious pg 25
Special Group pg 26
Activity: Sets pg 27
Acitvity: Sets pg 28
Movie: Christmas Traditons pg 29 - 32
Acitvity: Christmas pg 33
Traditons: Christmas pg 34
Traditons: Easter pg 35
Activity: Easter pg 36
Traditons: Easter pg 37
Religious Celebrations pg 38
Religious Celebrations: Foods pg 39
Religious Celebrations: Clothes pg 40
Unit 2: My body
Focus Question 1: What do I look like and what can I do?
Parts of the Body pg 41
My Body: The Face pg 42
My Body: Upper Limb pg 43
Video Tutorial: Hand Imprint pg 44
My Body: Lower Limb pg 45
My Body pg 46
Song - Giving Thanks pg 47
Video Tutorial: Sign Language pg 48
Measuring using body parts pg 49
My Senses pg 50
My Senses pg 51
The Nose: Smelling pg 52
The Nose: Smelling pg 53
The Ear: Hearing pg 54
Sounds pg 55
The Tongue: Tasting pg 56
My skin: Feeling pg 57
Feeling: Hard or Soft pg 58
Feeling: Hard or Soft pg 58
My Eyes: Seeing pg 59
My Eyes: Seeing: Activity pg 60
How do I look? pg 61
Colours pg 62
Colour Me: Activity pg 63
Focus Question 2: In what ways do I grow and what do I need to grow?
Growing up pg 64 & 65
Growing Up: Activity pg 66
Growing Up: Activity pg 67 & 68
Activity - Measurement pg 69
Growing Healthy pg 70
Foods pg 71
Foods: Activity pg 72
Foods: Activity pg 73
Foods: Activity pg 74
Foods: Activity pg 75
Creative writing pg 76
The Singing Food Man pg 77
Movie: Food Providers pg 78 - 80
The Farmer pg 81
Activity - The Farmer pg 82
We Eat Healthy Foods pg 83
Foods Safety Rules pg 84
Food Providers: Meal Time pg 85
We Eat Healthy Foods pg 86
Giving Thanks pg 87
Focus Question 3: How do I take care of my body?
My Body: Caring For My Body pg 88
Caring For My Body pg 89
Caring For My Body: Activity pg 90
Eating Healthy: Traffic Light Foods pg 91
Eating Healthy: Traffic Light Foods pg 92
Eating Healthy: Traffic Light Foods pg 93
The Traffic Light pg 94
Movie: Feeding The Hungry pg 95
Activity: Feeding The Hungry pg 96
Foods pg 97
Foods pg 98
Water pg 99
Water pg 100
Audio Song: Water pg 101
Water pg 102
Water: Sinking and Floating pg 103
Water: Sinking and Floating pg 104
Exercise pg 105
Movie: Importance of Sleep (Nora) pg 106
Activity: Growing Healthy pg 107
Plants pg 108
Leaves pg 109
Leaves pg 110
Activity: Leaves pg 111
Food From Animals pg 112
Food From Animals pg 113
Unit 3: The Family
Focus Question 1: What is a family and who are my family members?
The Family pg 114
The Family: Activity pg 115
The Family pg 116
The First Family pg 117
The First Family pg 118
Acitvity: The Family pg 119
The Family pg 120
The Family: Interview pg 121
Family Tree pg 122
The Family pg 123 - 124
Ordinal Numbers pg 125
The Family pg 126
Animal Family pg 127
Animal Family pg 128
The Family: Plant Family pg 129
Focus Question 2: How do family members care for each other?
The Family pg 130
The Family pg 131
The Family pg 132
The Family pg 133
The Family pg 134
The Family pg 135
Poem: We need love pg 136 - 137
The Family pg 138
The Family: Rules in the home pg 139
The Family: Rules in the home pg 140
The Family: Creative Writing pg 141
The Family - Shelter pg 142
The Family - Shelter pg 143
Activity: Shelter pg 144
Clothing pg 145
Activity: Clothing pg 146
The Family - Shelter pg 147
Shelter for Animals pg 148
Shelter for Animals pg 149
The Family - Partitioning Sets pg 150
Moses pg 151
Activity: Moses pg 152
The Family pg 153
Our Money pg 154
Our Money pg 155
Focus Question 3: What are the activities in which I take part in with my family?
The Family pg 156
The Family: Celebrations pg 157
The Family: Celebrations pg 158
The Family: Celebrations pg 159
How I celebrate my birthday pg 160
Celebrations: Emancipation Day pg 161
Celebrations: Independence Day pg 162 - 163
Celebrations: Independence Day pg 164
Colouring: Celebrations pg 165
Celebrations: Activities pg 166
Celebrations: National Labour Day pg 167 - 168
Activities: National Labour Day pg 169
Celebrations: National Heritage Week pg 170
Celebrations: National Heritage Week pg 171
Celebrations: National Heritage Week pg 172
Celebrations: Our National Heroes pg 173
Celebrations: Our National Celebrations: Our National Symbols pg 174
Activity: Our National Celebrations: Our National Symbols pg 175
Our National Celebrations: Our National Symbols pg 175
Activity: Our National Celebrations: Our National Symbols pg 177
Celebrations: Anthem & Pledge pg 178
Celebrations: Our National Symbols pg 179
Celebrations pg 180
Celebrations pg 181
Celebrations: Activity pg 182
Celebrations pg 183
Unit 4: Things in the Home
Focus Question 1: What are the things in my home and what are they used for?
Things in the home pg 184
Things outside the home pg 185
Things inside and outside the home pg 186
Things inside and outside the home pg 187
Things inside and outside the home pg 187
Things inside and outside the home pg 187
Things inside and outside the home pg 187
Sounds in the Home pg 191
Sounds in the Home pg 192
Sounds in the Home pg 193
Sounds in the Home pg 194 - 195
Things in the Home – Then and Now pg 196 - 197
Activity: Then and Now pg 197 - 198
Focus Question 2: How do I care for the things in the home and use them safely?
Caring for Animals in the Home pg 199
Caring for Animals in the Home pg 200
Activity: Caring for Animals pg 201 - 202
Caring for Animals in the Home pg 203
Movie: Plants in the Home pg 204 - 206
Activity: Plants in the Home pg 205
Caring for Plants pg 207
Poem - Everyone Knows pg 208
Plants and Animals in the Bible pg 209
Safety in the Home pg 210
Safety in the Home pg 211
Activity: Safety in the Home pg 212
Activity: Safety in the Home pg 213
Activity: Safety in the Home pg 214
Game: Safety in the Home pg 215
Light pg 216
Activity: Light pg 217
Unit 5: Myself at School
Focus Question 1: How do I know my school?
Myself at School pg 218
Activity: My School pg 219
Activity: My School pg 220
Activity: My School pg 221 - 222
My School: Safe & Unsafe Areas pg 223
My School Rules pg 224
My school pg 225
Movie: Rules (Jonah) pg 226
Activity: The Story of Jonah pg 227
Activity: Rules pg 228
My school pg 229
Media: 3D Object (Ant) pg 229
Focus Question 2: Who are the people at my school and what do they do?
People at my School pg 230
People at my School pg 231
People at my School pg 232
Writing pg 233 - 235
Activity: Who am I? pg 236
Clubs at School pg 237
People at my School pg 238
People at my School pg 239
Focus Question 3: What are some of the activities and events at my school?
Events at my School pg 240
Events at my School pg 241
Events at my School pg 242
National Events at my School pg 243
School Events & National Events pg 244
School Events & National Events pg 245 - 246
Planning a party pg 247
Planning a party pg 248
What time is it? pg 249
Focus Question 4: How do we live together at school?
Together at school pg 250
Creative writing pg 251
Together at school pg 252
Together at school pg 253
Together at school pg 254
Religious Symbols pg 255
Religious Symbols pg 256
Together at school pg 257
Rubric for parts of the body page 42 pg 258
Appendix 1 pg 259
Appendix 3 pg 261
Back Cover
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