Oxford University Press
Mirabelle Wants to Win
Harriet Muncaster
Mirabelle Wants to Win
US$ 8.24
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Mirabelle's mum is a witch, her dad is a fairy, and she is a bit of both!
A big football star is coming to Mirabelle's school to watch them play, and Mirabelle is determined to impress her. With a sprinkling of magic on her shoes, and a little bit of potion on the ball, she's bound to be the best!
But things don't quite go to plan, and with flying footballs, out-of-control shoes, and upset teammates, Mirabelle's dreams of glory don't look like they're about to come true.
Can Mirabelle discover that there's more than one way to feel like a winner?

A magical and mischievous Mirabelle story with a football twist, perfect for enjoying during half time of the Women's World Cup 2023!

Harriet Muncaster
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