Hodder Education
Jamaica Primary Mathematics Book 3 NSC Edition
Lisa Greenstein; Lorna Thompson
Jamaica Primary Mathematics Book 3 NSC Edition
US$ 10.50
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Make maths fun, attainable and relevant with a series specifically designed for Jamaica's National Standard Curriculum by an expert team of authors in consultation with Jamaican educators.
- Enter new topics with exciting chapter openers and Starting point activities to determine prior knowledge and learning readiness.
- Develop analytical skills with features such as Problem solving and Real-life maths activities.
- Provide a solid foundation for learning and PEP preparation at grades 4-6.
- Consolidate learning at the beginning and end of each chapter with objectives and What I have learned activities.

Book Title
Chapter 1: Number work
Equivalent sets
Joining sets
Sharing sets
Rearranging sets
Chapter 4: Working with numbers
Working mentally
Rounding to the nearest ten
Rounding to the nearest hundred
Rounding to the nearest thousand
Estimating answers
Different ways of adding
Ways of subtracting
Subtraction practice
Subtraction with regrouping
Inverse operations
Lunch orders
Measurement problems
More problem solving
Constructing problems
Chapter 6: Fractions and other numbers
Factors and products
Prime numbers and factors
Prime factors
Parts of a whole
Proper and improper fractions
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
More fractions greater than 1
Equivalent fractions
More equivalent fractions
Calculating equivalent fractions
Practise making equivalent fractions
Simplifying fractions
Ordering unit fractions
Fractions with the same denominators
Cupcakes in a box
Chapter 10: Problem solving
Puzzles and problems
Maths crossword
Word problems
Missing and extra data
Problem-solving strategies
Drawing a picture
More problem solving
Using <, > and =
Estimating and choosing strategies
More problem solving
Chapter 13: Multiplication
Repeat addition and multiplication
Multiplying on a number line
Columns and rows
Multiplication facts
Multiplication tables
Fives and tens
Multiples of 10
Multiplying a 2-digit number
More multiplying 2-digit numbers
Friendly numbers
Multiplying in columns
Multiplying 3-digit numbers
Multiplication practice
Two-step problems
Chapter 14: Division
Half of a set
Repeat subtraction
Multiply or divide?
Dividing bigger numbers
Division with carrying
Chapter 17: More division and multiplication
Multiplying and dividing
Multiplication tables
Multiplication city
A bigger multiplication city
Organising facts on a table
Products and factors
Times table practice
Division practice
Find unknown products and factors
Half of a number
One third of a number
What fraction is it?
More about remainders
Remainders at the pet shop
Dividing bigger numbers
Practising long division
Chapter 20: Money
Notes and coins
How much is it worth?
Making amounts
Making change
Problem solving
Chapter 23: Number operations
Number operations
Which operation?
Division problems
Adding fractions
More adding fractions
Subtracting fractions
Subtracting a fraction from a whole number
Chapter 27: Multiplication and division
Revising multiplication and division facts
Grid arrays
More number patterns
Problem solving
More problem solving
Writing problems, solving and checking
Chapter 2: Bigger numbers
Revising 3-digit numbers
Working with thousands
Grouping objects
Writing numbers in different ways
More working with 4-digit numbers
Counting on
Number lines
Counting in bigger numbers
Comparing and ordering numbers
More comparing and ordering
Ordinal numbers
More ordinals
Chapter 3: Length
Longer and shorter
Taller and shorter
Measuring paths
Measuring at home
Centimetres and metres
Chapter 5: Length and perimeter
Longer and shorter
Differences in lengths
Measuring perimeter
Calculating perimeter
Perimeter around me
Drawing polygons using perimeter
Chapter 7: Measuring distances
Choosing units of lengths
Distances between places
Chapter 8: Patterns and shapes
Identifying shapes
Draw circles
Right-angled triangles
Create your own patterns
Repeating number patterns
Number patterns
Make your own number machines
Chapter 9: Bar graphs
Reading bar graphs
Draw a bar graph
Drawing bar graphs
Bar graph challenge
Chapter 11: Time
Days of the week
The calendar
Weeks and months
Talking about age
Calculating age
Chapter 12: Dozens
Products by the dozen
More products
Half-dozen and quarter-dozen
Problem solving
Dozens challenge
Chapter 15: Mass
Units of mass
Grams or kilograms
Estimating mass
Estimating and measuring
Ordering and comparing
Problem solving
Chapter 16: Shapes around me
Naming and describing shapes
Name and describe
Similar and different shapes
More exploring shapes
Chapter 18: Polygons
Drawing and naming line segments
Naming polygons
Building polygons
Chapter 19: Number patterns
Shape patterns
From shapes to numbers
Multiplication patterns
More number patterns
Chapter 21: Time
Minutes and hours
Time on the clock
How long does it take?
Elapsed time
Calculating times
My activities
Chapter 22: Statistics
Bar graphs
Reading a bar graph
Collecting data
Representing data
Chapter 24: Capacity
How much does it hold?
Litres and millilitres
Estimating and measuring capacity
Keeping hydrated
Chapter 25: Symmetry
Lines of symmetry
Folding to find symmetry
Paper snowflakes
Chapter 26: Probability
Talking about probability
Possible outcomes
Experiments and outcomes
Sweets in a bag
Chapter 28: Temperature
Measuring temperature
Temperatures around us
Talking about temperature
More temperatures
Estimating and recording
Taking your own measurements
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