Concepts of Fitness and Wellness, 2nd Edition
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Concepts of Fitness and Wellness, 2nd Edition
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GALILEO, University System of Georgia
GALILEO Open Learning Materials
Spring 2018
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness, 2nd Edition
Scott Flynn
Lisa Jellum
Jonathan Howard
Althea Moser
David Mathis
See next page for additional authors
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Contents and Terms
1- Wellness_final_alg2
Healthy Behaviors and Wellness
Assessing Your Personal Lifestyle Behaviors
Terminology Checklist:
Test Your Knowledge
2- Fitness_Principles
From Ancient History to Modern Times
What are Physical Activity and Exercise?
Components of Health-Related Fitness
 Cardiorespiratory endurance
 Muscular strength
 Muscular endurance
 Flexibility
 Body Composition
Skill-Related Components of Fitness
Principles of Adaptation to Stress
Overload Principle
Frequency and Time
Type of Exercise
Rest, Recovery, and Periodization
Individual Differences
Activity Guidelines
Fitness Guidelines
Creating a Successful Fitness Plan
Think Lifestyle
Safety First: Assessing Your Risk
Assess Your Condition
Set Goals
Create a Plan
Follow Through
Additional Safety Concerns
Environmental Conditions
Heat-Related Illness
Cold-Related Illnesses
3- Cardiorespiratory_Fitness-2
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
What is the cardiovascular and respiratory system?
The Benefits of Good Cardiorespiratory Health
How the CR System Works
The CR System and Energy Production
Oxidative Energy System (Aerobic)
Immediate/Explosive Energy System
Non-Oxidative or Anaerobic Energy System
Energy Systems Combine
Changes in the CR System
Assessing CR Fitness
Measuring Heart Rate
Creating a Plan to Develop CR Fitness
Measuring Intensity
Max Heart Rate Method
The Karvonen Formula or Heart Rate Reserve Method
Other Ways to Determine Intensity
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment
4- Muscular_Fitness_Principles_final_alg2
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Types of Muscle
Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function
How Muscles Contract
Types of Muscular Contraction
Types of Isotonic Contraction
Muscle Fiber Types
Type I (Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers)
Type IIb (Fast-Twitch Low-oxidative Muscle Fibers)
Numbers of Slow and Fast-Twitch Fibers
Cardiac Muscle Structure and Function
Smooth Muscle Structure and Function
Position Stand on Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults2
Six Types of Resistance Training
Exercise Order for Resistance Training
Resistance Training Conclusion
5- Flexibility-2
Benefits of Flexibility and Stretching
Healthy Joints and Pain Management
Muscle Relaxation and Stress Relief
Other Benefits
Flexibility and Aging
The Inactivity-Mobility Cycle
Improving Range of Motion
Joint Structure
Connective and Muscle Tissue
Neuromuscular System
Improving Flexibility
Static Stretching
Ballistic Stretching
Dynamic Stretching
Setting Goals
Applying the FITT Principle
When to Stretch
Stretching Safely
Stretches to Avoid
Assessing Your Flexibility
Laboratory Exercises
6- Body_Composition
Body Composition
Diseases Associated with Excessive Body Fat
How Much Fat is Needed?
Other Health Risks
 Performance of physical activity
 Emotional wellness
 Pre-mature death
 Economic impact
Body Fat Distribution
Body Mass Index
How to Measure Body Composition
 Hydrostatic Weighing (Underwater Weighing)
 Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
 Air Displacement (Plethysmography)
 Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
 Skinfold Analysis
Weighing in on the U.S.
What Can Be Done?
Low Body Composition
7- Nutrition
8- Weight_Management
9- Stress_final_alg2
Defining Stress
Effects of Stress on Wellness
What Are the Strategies for Managing Stress?
Fitness Tips: Stay Healthy, Manage Stress
Assess Your Stress Level
Terminology Checklist:
Test Your Knowledge
10- CVD
Cancer Development
By Althea K. Moser
What Is Cancer?
How Cancer Arises
Cancer Statistics
Statistics at a Glance: The Burden of Cancer in the United States
Types of Cancer
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Risk Factors for Cancer
Cancer-Causing Substances in the Environment
Cancer Prevention Overview
Cancer Treatment
Assessing Your Personal Risk of Cancer
12- Substance_Use_and_Abuse
Substance Use and Abuse
Drug Abuse and Addiction
What environmental factors increase the risk of addiction?
What biological factors increase risk of addiction?
13- STIs
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections (STDs/STIs)
What are the Most Common Types of STIs?
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
What are the Most Common Types of STIs?
 Copyright and Reuse Text, Images, and Logos
Citing Healthy People 2020
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