Oxford University Press
Oxford International AQA Examinations: International GCSE Chemistry
Lawrie Ryan, Patrick Fullick
Oxford International AQA Examinations: International GCSE Chemistry
US$ 41.99
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The only textbook that completely covers the Oxford AQA International GCSE Chemistry specification (9202), for first teaching in September 2016.

Written by experienced authors, the enquiry-based, international approach ensures a thorough understanding of the underlying principles of chemistry and provides exam-focused practice to build assessment confidence. It fully covers the 5 required practicals in the specification, enabling your students to build the investigative and experimental skills required for assessment. This textbook helps students to develop the scientific, mathematical and practical skills and knowledge needed for the Oxford AQA International GCSE Chemistry exams and provides an excellent grounding for further study at A Level.

Front Cover
Title Page
Chemistry Contents
How to use this book
Practical skills
Chapter 1 Atomic structure
1.1 States of matter
1.2 Evidence for particles
1.3 History of the atom
1.4 Atoms
1.5 Atomic structure
1.6 The arrangement of electrons in atoms
1.7 Atoms and isotopes
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 2 Structure and bonding
2.1 Atoms into ions
2.2 Ionic bonding
2.3 Covalent bonding
2.4 Bonding in metals
2.5 Giant ionic structures
2.6 Simple molecules
2.7 Giant covalent structures
2.8 Giant metallic structures
2.9 Nanoscience
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 3 The periodic table
3.1 The periodic table
3.2 Group 1 – the alkali metals
3.3 The transition elements
3.4 Group 7 – the halogens
3.5 Explaining trends
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 4 Metals
4.1 Useful metals
4.2 Iron and steels
4.3 The reactivity series
4.4 Displacement reactions
4.5 Metal carbonates
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 5 Electrolysis
5.1 Electrolysis
5.2 Changes at the electrodes
5.3 The extraction of aluminium
5.4 Electrolysis of brine
5.5 Electroplating
5.6 Electrolysing copper sulfate solution
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 6 Chemical analysis
6.1 Separating mixtures
6.2 Paper chromatography
6.3 Testing for gases
6.4 Tests for positive ions
6.5 Tests for negative ions
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 7 Acids, bases, and salts
7.1 Acids and alkalis
7.2 Making soluble salts from metals or insoluble bases
7.3 Making salts by neutralisation or precipitation
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 8 Quantitative chemistry
8.1 Chemical equations
8.2 Relative masses and moles
8.3 Percentages by mass and empirical formulae
8.4 Equations and calculations
8.5 The yield of a chemical reaction
8.6 Titrations
8.7 Titration calculations
8.8 Volumes of gases
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 9 Rates of reaction
9.1 How fast?
9.2 Collision theory and surface area
9.3 The effect of temperature
9.4 The effect of concentration or pressure
9.5 The effect of catalysts
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 10 Extent of reaction
10.1 Reversible reactions
10.2 Chemical equilibrium
10.3 Altering conditions
10.4 Making ammonia – the Haber process
10.5 The economics of the Haberprocess
10.6 The Contact process
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 11 Energy changes in chemical reactions
11.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions
11.2 Using energy transfers from reactions
11.3 Energy and reversible reactions
11.4 Comparing the energy released by fuels
11.5 Energy transfers in solutions
11.6 Energy level diagrams
11.7 Bond dissociation energy calculations
11.8 Chemical cells and batteries
11.9 Fuel cells
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 12 Carbon compounds as fuels
12.1 Hydrocarbons
12.2 Fractional distillation of crude oil
12.3 Burning fuels
12.4 Alternative fuels
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 13 Other products from crude oil
13.1 Cracking hydrocarbons
13.2 Making polymers from alkenes
13.3 The properties of polymers
13.4 New and useful polymers
13.5 Plastic waste
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Chapter 14 Alcohols, carboxylic acids, and esters
14.1 Structures of alcohols, carboxylic acids, and esters
14.2 Properties and uses of alcohols
14.3 Carboxylic acids and esters
Chapter summary questions
Practice questions
Experimental data handling
Setting up investigations
Using data
Exam Questions and Answers
Back Cover
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