Oxford University Press
The Grimm Legacy
Polly Shulman
The Grimm Legacy
US$ 10.13
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Elizabeth's new job is very unusual. The building where she works might not look very interesting but behind this ordinary Manhattan façade lurks a very special place indeed. Because here you can borrow anything your heart desires . . . And in the basement is something so special, so secret, that Elizabeth can't believe her eyes. The Grimm Collection. Powerful and mysterious items that must be kept safe and can't be lent out to just anyone. So when these objects start disappearing Elizabeth must investigate. But who can she trust? One way or another she has to find out who is stealing from the Grimm Collection . . . and for what dark purpose.

Chapter 1: I Receive a Gift and a Summons
Chapter 2: The New York Circulating Material Repository
Chapter 3: A Suspicious Page
Chapter 4: I Meet the Beast; Marc Merritt Acts Squirrelly
Chapter 5: Peculiar Patrons and Boots that don’t Work
Chapter 6: The Grimm Collection
Chapter 7: A Disagreement with a Mirror
Chapter 8: A Multiple-Choice Test and a Binder Clip
Chapter 9: The Preservation Room
Chapter 10: A Mysterious Menace
Chapter 11: A Feather and a Key
Chapter 12: An Invisible Armchair
Chapter 13: I Lose a Thumb-Wrestling Match
Chapter 14: A Forfeit
Chapter 15: I Lose My Way
Chapter 16: A Basketball Game
Chapter 17: Anjali Vanishes
Chapter 18: Marc Makes a Deal
Chapter 19: Embarrassing Reflections
Chapter 20: The Shrink Ray
Chapter 21: The Golden Key
Chapter 22: Betrayed
Chapter 23: A Princess Collector
Chapter 24: Andre to the Rescue
Chapter 25: The Garden of Seasons
Chapter 26: The Willpower of a Librarian
Chapter 27: A Carpet Ride
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