Oxford University Press
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (9-1): Christianity and Buddhism Revision Guide
Marianne Fleming, Nagapriya, Peter Smith
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (9-1): Christianity and Buddhism Revision Guide
US$ 13.65
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Building on the Oxford AQA GCSE Religious Studies Student Books, this Revision Guide offers a structured approach to revising for the new 9-1 exams. 1. RECAP: key content from the Student Book is condensed and re-presented in simple visual styles to make content memorable and help retention. 2. APPLY: students actively apply the content they have just revised to build the knowledge and evaluative skills needed for the exams. 3. REVIEW: regular opportunities to practice exam questions and review answers direct students to pinpoint any areas of weakness in knowledge or exam skills, identifying where they'll need to concentrate their efforts for further revision. This Revision Guide is ideal for students combining Christianity and Buddhism. With all the essential content condensed and made memorable, and plenty of exam practice, tips and annotated sample answers, students can confidently prepare for their new exams.

Front Cover
Title Page
Chapter 1: Christianity: beliefs and teachings
1.1 The nature of God
1.2 God as omnipotent, loving and just
1.3 The Oneness of God and the Trinity
1.4 Different Christian beliefs about Creation
1.5 The incarnation and Jesus, the Son of God
1.6 The crucifixion
1.7 The resurrection and ascension
1.8 Resurrection and life after death
1.9 The afterlife and judgement
1.10 Heaven and hell
1.11 Sin and salvation
1.12 The role of Christ in salvation
1 Exam practice
Chapter 2: Christianity: practices
2.1 Worship
2.2 Prayer
2.3 The sacraments: Baptism
2.4 The sacraments: Holy Communion
2.5 Celebrating Holy Communion
2.6 Pilgrimage
2.7 Celebrating festivals
2.8 The role of the Church in the local community: Food banks
2.9 The role of the Church in the local community: Street Pastors
2.10 The place of mission and evangelism
2.11 Church growth
2.12 The importance of the worldwide Church
2.13 Christian persecution
2.14 The Church’s response to world poverty
2 Exam practice
Chapter 3: Buddhism: beliefs and teachings
3.1 The birth of the Buddha and his life of luxury
3.2 The four sights
3.3 The Buddha’s ascetic life
3.4 The Buddha’s enlightenment
3.5 The Dhamma
3.6 The concept of dependent arising
3.7 The three marks of existence: dukkha
3.8 The three marks of existence: anicca
3.9 The three marks of existence: anatta
3.10 An introduction to the Four Noble Truths
3.11 The first noble truth: the existence of suffering
3.12 The second noble truth: the causes of suffering
3.13 The third noble truth: the end of suffering
3.14 The fourth noble truth: the cure for suffering
3.15 Theravada Buddhism
3.16 Mahayana Buddhism
3.17 The Arhat and the Bodhisattva
3.18 Pure Land Buddhism
3 Exam practice
Chapter 4: Buddhism: practices
4.1 Places of worship
4.2 How Buddhists worship
4.3 Samatha meditation
4.4 Vipassana meditation
4.5 The visualisation of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
4.6 Ceremonies and rituals associated with death and mourning
4.7 Wesak and Parinirvana Day
4.8 Kamma (karma) and rebirth
4.9 Compassion (karuna)
4.10 Loving-kindness (metta)
4.11 The five moral precepts
4.12 The six perfections
4 Exam practice
Chapter 5: Relationships and families
5.1 Religious teachings about human sexuality
5.2 Sexual relationships before and outside marriage
5.3 Contraception and family planning
5.4 Religious teachings about marriage
5.5 Divorce and remarriage
5.6 Religious teachings about the nature of families
5.7 Religious teachings about the purpose of families
5.8 Religious beliefs about gender equality
5 Exam practice
Chapter 6: Religion and life
6.1 The origins of the universe and the value of the world
6.2 The use and abuse of the environment
6.3 Pollution
6.4 The use and abuse of animals
6.5 The origins of human life
6.6 Abortion
6.7 Euthanasia
6.8 Death and the afterlife
6 Exam practice
Chapter 7: The existence of God and revelation
7.1 The Design argument
7.2 The First Cause argument
7.3 The argument from miracles
7.4 Further arguments against the existence of God
7.5 Special revelation and enlightenment
7.6 General revelation
7.7 Different ideas about the divine
7.8 The value of revelation and enlightenment
7 Exam practice
Chapter 8: Religion, peace and conflict
8.1 Introduction to religion, peace and conflict
8.2 Violent protest and terrorism
8.3 Reasons for war
8.4 Nuclear war and weapons of mass destruction
8.5 The just war
8.6 Holy war and religion as a cause of violence
8.7 Pacifism and peacemaking
8.8 Religious responses to victims of war
8 Exam practice
Chapter 9: Religion, crime and punishment
9.1 Crime and punishment
9.2 Reasons for crime
9.3 Religious attitudes to lawbreakers and different types of crime
9.4 Three aims of punishment
9.5 Religious attitudes to suffering and causing suffering to others
9.6 Religious attitudes to the treatment of criminals
9.7 Religious attitudes to forgiveness
9.8 Religious attitudes to the death penalty
9 Exam practice
Chapter 10: Religion, human rights and social justice
10.1 Social justice and human rights
10.2 Prejudice and discrimination
10.3 Religious freedom
10.4 Prejudice and discrimination – disability and race
10.5 Religious teachings about wealth
10.6 Poverty and its causes
10.7 Exploitation of the poor
10.8 Giving money to the poor
10 Exam practice
Back Cover
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