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My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) History A: Explaining the Modern World, Second Edition
Aly Boniface, Catherine Priggs, Lizzy James, Harriet Salkeld, Martin Spafford
My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) History A: Explaining the Modern World, Second Edition
Eduqas GCSE (9-1) History The USA: A Nation of Contrasts 1910-1929
Rob Quinn, R. Paul Evans, Steve Waugh, John Wright
Eduqas GCSE (9-1) History The USA: A Nation of Contrasts 1910-1929
Access to History: Britain 1783-1885
Benjamin Armstrong
Access to History: Britain 1783-1885
Making Sense of History: 1901-present day
Neil Bates, Alec Fisher, John D. Clare, Richard Kennett
Making Sense of History: 1901-present day
Making Sense of History: 1509-1745
Alec Fisher, John D. Clare, Richard Kennett
Making Sense of History: 1509-1745