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Baudelaire: His Prose and Poetry
Charles Baudelaire
Baudelaire: His Prose and Poetry
Oxford Poetry 1920
Winifred Holtby, Edmund Blunden, G. H. Bonner, Alan Porter, Edgell Rickword, Roy Campbell, R. W. Hughes, B. Higgins, Eric Dickinson, Hilda Reid, W. Force Stead, V. de S. Pinto, Vera M. Brittain, G. H. Johnstone, L. P. Hartley, Louis Golding, G. A. Fielding Bucknall, E. W. Jacot, L. A. G. Strong, C. H. B. Kitchin
Oxford Poetry 1920
The Poetry of South Africa
Alexander Wilmot
The Poetry of South Africa
A Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Percy Bysshe Shelley
A Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
The Poetry Of Robert Browning
Stopford Augustus Brooke
The Poetry Of Robert Browning
Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain
James Boyd Kennedy
Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain